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Blog Comments posted by Sara17

  1. You guys and your cars... :P

    Hair is kinda a big deal, isn't it? Although I'm still closeted, I made a decision a couple of years back that I wasn't going to keep cutting my hair like society insisted, and I've let it grow out. Right now it's about halfway down my back and I LOVE IT! <3 I'm not sure work is terribly happy with it, but at least they haven't called me on the carpet yet. And my parents hate it, but what do you expect? ;) Anyway, I'm glad you were able to get it resolved to your satisfaction!

    Congrats on the no cutting! I hope things level out for you... we're all pulling for you!

    And I'm sorry, I probably shouldn't have, but I will admit I LOL'ed at the "holidays were great, oh yeah, nearly burned down the house but otherwise they were great!" :lol: Glad everything turned out OK and no one was hurt and you could laugh about it after!

    I hope your holidays were good, and you are enjoying the time with your sister!


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  2. Hey, I do enjoy science fiction! ;) I will have to check out our library and see if they have this.

    I guess I've always had this feeling of being somewhat alienated from society at large. Sometimes it just feels like I'm an outsider looking in. It's so nice to be able to connect with people that are share similar experiences, so I'm very thankful for this site! :)

    I will admit I'm a little fuzzy on the distinction between a support group and a discussion group. But I'm glad you were able to find a support group, and I hope that meeting goes well!

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  3. OK, I admit I find it somewhat amusing when someone tells me that something I've always done is "typically" a female trait. But talking to yourself in the bathroom can't be exclusively female, can it? We all talk to ourselves regardless of gender... right?

    To be fair, I try not to do it when I know there are other people in there. But of course sometimes it happens that, oops, didn't realize there was someone in that last stall! Then I just really hope I didn't say anything too embarrassing! :wacko:

    And of course, there are other places I talk to myself other than just the bathroom. But perhaps I'm just a bit crazier than most! :lol:

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  4. So that's where "Serenity Now" is from. I heard it a lot a while back, but never knew where it originated. I was never much into Seinfeld.

    I'm not religious at all, but even I've heard of the Serenity Prayer; although to be fair, I didn't know it was called that, and I thought it was more of an aphorism than an actual prayer. (I believe I've generally heard it quoted without the "Lord" at the beginning.)

    Of course, being the sci-fi geek girl that I am, the first thing that comes to mind when I hear the word "Serenity" is the ship from Firefly... :D

    And I should just say... my strange sense of humour got a chuckle out of the fact that a posting titled "Serenity Now!" received its first comment from someone named Serenity! :lol:

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  5. Emma, this post really struck a chord with me. I'm so sorry that you are experiencing these troubles; unfortunately, they are by no means uncommon. (This is really the only reason that I am still closeted, even though I *know* that has to change.)

    I really hope everything works out with your wife, and you can move forward together. The bad news is, from everything I've read, the number of marriages that survive this is exceedingly low. (I forget the exact number, but I believe it was less than 25%; possibly much less?) Sadly, the odds are not in our favour. :(

    Wishing you the best,


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  6. Hi Emma,

    If you don't mind me asking, have you talked to a therapist or psychologist who deals with gender issues? Obviously, everyone is different (as are their circumstances), but I personally feel that this has helped me a great deal. Just something to consider... maybe others will share their opinions or experiences on this topic, too.

    I wish you peace and happiness in whereever your journey takes you.



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