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Status Updates posted by MonicaPz

  1. Tilly, you have beautiful skin!

  2. "In the last 20 years, only 20% of workers have received a pay raise" - PBS NewsHour

  3. "The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." - Winston Churchill

    1. Emma


      Wonderful Monica!

    2. KarenPayne


      Could not agree more

  4. "To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only end of life." - Baruch Spinoza

  5. "When you think of how few people have killed and destroyed in the name of the devil; and how many have done so in the name of God; it makes you think." - Janet (Mrs.) Asimov

    1. UsernameOptional


      LOL. I never looked at it like that. Yeah. DOES make ya think! I believe I need to add that to the list of stuff on my profile... :D

    2. Emma


      Yeah, and from Mrs. Asimov, too! Tres cool. :-)

    3. Ronnie Virga

      Ronnie Virga

      No. It doesn't make me think. I'm pretty sure God and Satan DO NOT need our help. Angry Monkey has wholesale butchering down to a fine art.

  6. According to the Pew Research Center, the average Black income is $11,000, Latino income is $13,700 and White income is $141,900. Check out their website, www.pewresearch.org. It's very interesting!

    1. Emma


      Monica, while I intuitively believe that White income is higher than Black or Latino, I cannot imagine that the "average" White income is almost $142K. I looked at the website and cannot find the data you're referring to!

    2. MonicaPz


      It was quoted in an article (can't remember where) and the information on Pew Research changes constantly. Couldn't find it either on the website. If I find it, I will let you know.

    3. Emma


      Okay, thanks!

  7. Even neuro- and trans-typical individuals are on the transgender spectrum.

  8. Happy Holidays to my wonderful friends here at TGGuide!

  9. Last night, while watching Charlie Rose on PBS, interviewing a panel of professors of psychiatry, that in an upcoming episode, they will be discussing GENDER!

    1. Emma


      That sounds like something to look forward to. We need to determine when and let everyone know.

  10. On Monday, when the nurse from the county health department stopped in to evaluate me for a home attendant, she asked me if I was transgender. I said no, I am a cisgender Lesbian.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MonicaPz


      Am ok with ANY respectful question. This has not been the first time. Rejoiced I was asked respectfully in a very homo and trans phobic county!

    3. KarenPayne


      I would had asked "what makes you think that?"

    4. MonicaPz


      Karen, had no LGBTQ material hanging around, but it has happened before. Equally often asked if I am Lesbian.

  11. Women have only gain 14 CENTS toward pay equity with men in the last 30 years - American Association of University Women (AAUW)

  12. Dawn, I love the color and fit of your bra!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MonicaPz


      Dawn, you look like a California girl!

    3. Dawn13


      Thanks - Actually this photo was taken in Flagstaff AZ.  One of our overnight stops in route to the wedding in Berkeley CA

    4. MonicaPz


      OK, Dawn, you look like a California girl in Flagstaff, Arizona. LOL!

  13. Dear Donna,

    Thank you for following me.

    May I ask, may I follow you?

    Yours truly,


    1. Donna1955


      Hi Monica, yes I would very much welcome your follow. Thank you!

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