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Everything posted by Steph53

  1. Hiya Blair Jamie. Another absolutely fantastic blog. You really are a lovely young lady. You loving; kind; caring; considerate; nature shines through. You are doing fantastically Sweetheart, and You can be very Proud of how well that You are doing. Blair Jamie, Good Luck, Take Care, and My Very Best Wishes, Love Stephanie. xxxx
  2. Hiya Karen. That is a Fantastic Article. Congratulations, on getting it Published Love. You are so Photogenic as well. It Is a Beautiful Photograph Karen. You can be Really Proud of Being the Beautiful Lady that You Really are. Well Done Karen. Have a Great Day Love. Take Care, and My Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. xoxoxoxo.
  3. Hiya Michele. You are proving to Everyone, that You are more than capable of handling responsibility. Being a Fleet Manager is a Very Rosponsible Job, and when You are a Mechanically Minded Female as well, You are going to be more than capable of showing the Male Mechanic's how to do the job properly. Also, You know how to handle Yourself with Firearm's, and Good on You. Just because You are Not in Uniform, All the Time, Does Not Stop You from doing an excellent job. Michele, Don't let People put You down Love. ( My Wife keeps trying to do that with Me, as well as being violent towards Me. The Very Next Violent Outburst, and I Am going to contact the Local Women's Aid, and ask to go into their Local Refuge ! She hates the fact that I Am Transsexual, but, She has been cheating on Me for 2 Year's, with Other Men, and Other Women ! ). Michele, Keep Going like You are Love, because You Are Doing Great. Michele, Take Care, With My Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. xx
  4. Hiya Blair Jamie. I think, that You should get Yourself a job, as a Television Presenter. You are such an eloquent speaker. You are a Very Mature, Sensible, and Clever Young Lady. You will do well in Life. By the Way, I Love Your Beanie Hat ! Blair Jamie, Speak Soon, Take Care, Love and Best Wishes, Stephanie. xx
  5. Hiya Blair Jamie. Coming Out to Family, is Very Rarely Easy. I Came-Out as Transsexual to My Wife, on 30th. April, 2015. She has been reacting Really Nastily towards Me, ever since. She has tried turning Friend's against Me, as well. However, they can see that She is as Hollow as an empty tube. She has been cheating on.Me, for almost 24 Month's, with Other Men, and Other Women ! And She does Not like Me being Transsexual. We no longer have a physical relationship, as I do Not want to catch something, at any time in the Future !! By the Way, I Absolutely Love wearing Nail Varnish, Whether It Is Pink; Red; Purple; Black; Clear; I Love It ! Blair Jamie, You offering to Help, or Advise other People, shows just what a Decent; Lovely; Kind; Caring; Young Lady, that You are ! You deserve All the Happiness, and Kindness, that ever comes Your way. You have such a Wonderful Nature, and You WILL do Well in Life. Continued Good Luck with Your Transitioning Young Lady. Take Care, With Love and Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. xx
  6. Steph53

    Youtube blog

    Hiya Blair Jamie. Your Blog Sweetheart, is Wonderful. Your Confidence is Outstanding. You are a Very Beautiful,, and Pretty Young Lady Blair Jamie. You Look So, So, Happy, and I Am So Glad, that Your School Staff, and Your Real Friend's, are Fully Supporting You. I Know from My Own Personal Experience, that keeping everything hidden, is Horrendous. Blair Jamie, I Am So, So, Glad that You have been able to "Come-Out" whilst You are still Young, as it means that You have got so much of Your Life ahead of You, which You can enjoy Living, being the Girl that You actually are. Blair Jamie, You have My Love and Support, and Your Photograph's, are Lovely. Sweetheart, take No notice of Anyone who is Negative towards You, just keep Your Friend's Close. I Personally Love wearing All Female Underwear and Clothing, and as I.Am Fully; Full-Time; Female-Dressed, and Living; I can tell You that My Own Confidence, is Very High, and I Started wearing Female Attire, and being "Out" in "Public", the Day after I Came-Out. Blait-Jjamie, keep Your Pretty head held up high, and enjoy Your Life. Female Undies and Clothing are so Pretty, and so Comfortable to wear. Us Girl's are so Lucky with that. ( Men's Clothing, is Horrible ! ). Blair Jamie, Speak Soon, Take Care, and My Very Best Wishes Sweetheart. Love Stephanie. xx
  7. Hiya Michele. Just because You are a Female Sweetheart, does Not mean that You should Not carry a Firearm. Why should You Not be able to Protect Yourself. Don't listen to All the Bull Manure. You look after Yourself Love. Your Photograph's definitely show how Pretty and Feminine You are. Your transitioning is definitely right for You Michele. You are a lot Younger than Me, and I Am still very early in My MtoF Transition. Working Office Hour's, is very different from shift-work. I know, because I have done them both, over the Year's. Michele, Take Care of Yourself, Good Luck, and My Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. xx
  8. Hiya Blair Jamie. Sorry, but I forgot to say, that Blair Jamie is a very Pretty name. A very Pretty name, for a very Pretty Young Lady ! I Love Being Feminine, because I love Clothes Shopping, especially Pretty, Sexy, Clothes, but also Pretty, Lacy, Sexy, Undies as well. I love wearing Sexy, Black, Pretty, Bra's; Knickers; Suspender-Belt's; and Stocking's ! I also love Perfume. Wearing Giorgio is My Favourite. I wear Giorgio perfume every day. Blair, do You like Perfume ? By the Way, It Is far better to Transition whilst You are Young, than Middle-Aged like Me ! Blair, Take Care Young Lady, and My Very Best Wishes, Stephanie.
  9. Hiya Blair. Firstly, Welcome to TGGuide. You are very Welcome here. Secondly, Congratulations on Coming Out. I Am Stephanie, a 53 Year-Old MtoF Transitioning Transsexual, from Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, in the UK. I Came-Out as Transsexual, on 30th. April, 2015, and I have been Fully; Full-Time; Female-Dressed, and Living; since 1st. May, 2015. Blair, be Proud to be You, Sweetheart. It Is a Long journey, We are on. I Registered My Transsexuality with My Doctor's on 25th. June, 2015, and on the Same Date, they Registered it for Me, with the Gender Identity Clinic, at London's Charing Cross Hospital. Coming-Out, was like having a Massive Weight, Lifted-Off Both of My Shoulder's. I Am Now a much happier Person, than I have ever been. I have known since I was 3 Year's of Age, that I Am Female; Trapped; in a Male Body. I have Always hated My Male Part's, and I Do want Full Gender Reassignment Surgery. Blair, Be Happy, Be You. Enjoy being Who You really are. Have Fun on the Way. I will suggest that if You have Not yet, that You try and find a Trans-Friendly Cafe or Somewhere that You could visit, Locally. Blair, If You would like to speak, I and others on TGGuide are here. Blair, Take Care Young Lady, and My Very Best Wishes, Stephanie.
  10. Hiya Karen. You Poor Girl ! I would be Cheesed-Off too ! As Eve has said, It Is Complete lack of respect, by Big Corporation's. Karen, do You have any Legal Claim against them ? You must be so Upset, and Frustrated Karen Love. I know I would have been ! I hope that You have had a Good Day with the Car run Today. Karen, Take Care, and My Very Best Wishes to You, Stephanie. xx
  11. Karen, You have them reserved for the Bedroom only - You really ARE enciurageable, Karen. Sweet Lady, at least You know how to have fun. Karen, You keep on having fun. Life is for enjoying Love. I hope Your Car trip goes well on Saturday, and it is so nice that You can enjoy doing that as well. Karen, Take Care, With Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. xx
  12. Hiya Eve. It sounds like You are just as Encourageable. 5 Inch heel's, on 1 Inch platform's, what are You like. ( If I were to wear those, they would finish off the Hip-Joint, in My Left-Hip ! ) I wonder if Karen Payne would wear those ! I still like My flat shoes, especially Daisy Ballerina shoes, from Long Tall Sally, on Chiltern Street, in London's Marylebone Village. Eve, Take Care, and Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. xx
  13. Hiya Karen. Your colleague's description of Your heels, had Me in stitches. I think You have had the last laugh though Sweetheart, having the Flat Shoes in the Trunk/Boot of Your car. You really are encourageable ! Good on You Karen. Take Care, With Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. xoxo.
  14. Hiya Eve. I feel like saying " Choo ! Choo ! " I must admit to being slightly envious, travelling on " Proper " Steam Rail Line's ! The Chinnor & Princes Risborough Line, is Not Full-Time, and the Quainton Road Steam Rail Line, only has a half-mile track in use ! Tornado, is one Steam engine, that I would Love to travel with. I Am glad that You and Sharon, had a Great Walk, and Steam Train Ride. What a wonderful way to travel ! Eve, keep enjoying Your Walk's, and Steam Train Journey's, with Your Friend Sharon. Take Care, and My Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. xoxoxoxo
  15. Hiya Karen. I Am so glad, that You are having the fun with Your Car, that You are doing, You Lead-Foot Lady ! There is Nothing like enjoying times like that. ( I had to stop driving, due to health Problems, several Year's ago ! So I Am always pleased, when Friend's get to enjoy themselves ! ) It will be Great, when You are the Lead-Driver, right from the start. As You said, You are less than a Year, since You had Your Surgery, but, look at All the Fun, You have already been having ! Karen, You are a Great, Fun-Loving Lady, and I Am Genuinely so Happy for You. Keep on Enjoying Yourself Love, because You deserve it. Karen, Take Care, With My Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. xoxoxoxo
  16. Hiya Christie Anne. As I said before, UK Government Department's, are just as Bad. You lucky "Girl", getting a reply tweet from Debbie Gibson. Anyway, Christie, Life seems to be going in a wonderful, positive direction for You, and I Am so Pleased, because You are a Lovely and Sincere Young Lady, and You deserve things to go well. Christie, You file that Official Complaint Sweetheart, and Please let Us know how You get on. Christie, have a Great Weekend, Take Care, and remember, this is Your First "Official" Weekend, so I hope that You are going to celebrate ! Christie Anne, My Very Best Wishes, to You, Stephanie. xoxoxoxo
  17. Steph53

    A Good Day

    Hiya James. Congratulations. To be able to speak out in front of lots of People, is Very Good going. It Is Never too late, to turn Your life around. I have been very pleasingly surprised, at some of the support, that I have received so far. Transitioning is Not Easy, but, It Is the end result that matters. James, Good Luck, Please stay in touch Young Man. Take Care, and My Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. xoxo
  18. Hiya Christie Anne. Congratulations Lovely Christie, on finally getting Your Name changed. This is something that I hope to do, before too long ! It must be so satisfying. Christie, All Government Departments here in the UK, seem to drag Their feet over things, so It must be a World-Wide thing ! Christie, I hope that You get everything changed soon ! Good Luck, Take Care, and My Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. xoxoxoxo
  19. Steph53


    Hiya James. I recently contacted the UK Deed Poll Service, as I Am going to Officially, Change My Name, very soon. I Will change it to Stephanie Jayne Susan, ( at least ), although I May add another name, plus I May keep My Surname, ( For now at Least ). They Also Have A One Hour Service. If You want to visit UK Deed Poll Service, You can in Person. Their Address is :- UK Deed Poll Service, Freebournes Court, Witham, Essex, CM8 2BL, United Kingdom. Their Telephone Number's are:- 0800 448 8484. ( Free Call's, From Landlines, or Mobile's ). Otherwise, 0333 444 8484 ( From Mobiles ). Opening Times, are Monday's to Friday's, 09:00 to 18:00 ; Saturday's, and Bank Holiday's, 09:00 to 13:00 ; Sunday's, and Christmas Day, and Boxing Day, CLOSED ALL DAY. James, Well Done, with how You are Already Doing. I hope that the information that I have given You, is Helpful. Eveannessant is right about using the UK Deed Poll Service. It Is The Best Way, to change Your Name Officially ! James, Good Luck Young Man. Take Care, and My Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. xoxo.
  20. Hiya Jay. I can Thoroughly sympathise, with Your situation. I can tell You that Gender Dysphoria can be very nasty. I am 53 Year's Old, not far short of 54. I have known since aged 3, that I am Female, Trapped, in a Male Body. Between Mid-August 1988, and the End of February, 1996, I made 3 Serious Suicide Attempt's, because I had been unable to Come-Out. Early this Year, My Natural Hormones went All over the Place. Well it was Either Come-Out, or End It All. Well I Came-Out, as MtoF Pre-Op. Transsexual, on 30th. April, 2015, and I started buying Female Underwear, and Female Clothing, and Wearing It, on 1st. May, 2015, and being out in Public, on the Same Day. Coming-Out, was like having a Massive Weight, Lifted-Off Both of My Shoulder's. I am most certainly Really Happy, and Contented Now, like I have Never Ever been before. I Do NOT Have to "Hide", Any More. Jay, I Am in Aylesbury, in Buckinghamshire, in The United Kingdom, and on Friday Night's, I go to the World Famous Pink Punters Nightclub, which is a h; Gay; Bisexual; and Transgender/Transsexual Venue. Jay, It Does Not Matter to Me, what Race; Creed; Colour; Religion; Gender; or Sexuality; that Anyone is, because, I take Everyone as Individual's. Where in the World are You - Jay ? Anyway, Take Care. With My Very Best Wishes, Stephanie.
  21. Steph53

    2 months...

    Hiya Christie Anne. I Am so glad that You are doing.so well. I Am also so Pleased that You are going to be able to Officially change Your name, in just a few day's time. I want to do that very soon Myself. The name's I will change to are Stephanie Jayne Susan. Christie, the fact that You are enjoying Your new position at work, is Great. Christie Anne, You are a Brilliant Lady, and the fact that the Hormones are helping is great as well. Christie, Continuing Good Luck to You, Take Care, With Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. xoxo
  22. Steph53

    No, I'm not Dead

    Hiya Warren. The tattoo is Amazing, Young Man. When it is shadowed and detailed, it Will be a Work Of Art, that You - Warren, Will be able to be Very Proud of. Now that I look forward to seeing Completed. Warren, I Am very Glad that other thing's are going better for You as well, and cutting Yourself off, communications wise, with someone who just wants to fight and argue with You All the time, I can understand, as II did that with a lot of Family, and Family-Friend's, nearly 20 Year's ago. I will Not ever have contact with them again ! Warren, it is always Great to hear from You in Your blogs, and may everything go from strength to strength for You. Warren, Take Care, and My Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. xoxo
  23. Hiya Gender Fiasco. I have one Bandeau Bra, which has a Bra Pad each side. I have bought some cheap bra's with pad's, and used several each side of the strapless Bandeau Bra. I wear another Non-Wired Full-Cup Bra over the top, which is Size 38B. I have several of these, which are of the same size, style, and pattern. So I wear Bra's, which are Very Comfortable. I wear Lovely, Sexy, Pretty, Bra's; Knickers; Suspender-Belt's; and Stocking's, all the time. I also wear Female Jeans, or Female Leather Trousers, or Skirts and Blouses or Top's, or Pretty Dresses. I do NOT wear Male Clothing. at all now, and I have NOT done so, since I started Fully, Full-Time, Female-Dressing, and Living, on 1st. May, 2015. Gender Fiasco, I Now Regularly Go To the World-Famous UK Nightclub, Pink Punters, at Fenny Stratford, near Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, in The United Kingdom. It Is a Fully LGBT Friendly Location. Gender Fiasco, if You have an LGBT Friendly Location, try Going there as well. I Love going to Pink Punters, because it is so Safe, Comfortable, and Relaxing as well. Gender Fiasco, Keep in Touch, if You would like to. Good Luck, Take Care, and Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. xoxo
  24. Hiya Michele. How are You Today Love, and have You managed to get rid of the Gastro ? I hope so, and I hope that You are feeling better ! I Am so Happy for You Michele, the fact that You have found Happiness and Love. Good on You Sweetie. I Am in a Marriage that is on the Rocks, and I Am looking to get out, But, when I see Good News, like You with Your New Relationship, it makes Me feel pleased, to think that somebody has found happiness, like You have. Michele, Good Luck Love, Take Care, and My Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. xoxo
  25. Hiya Michele. You Poor Girl. Period Pain, and Castro as well, Bless Your Heart Love. I hope You feel better soon Michele. Take Care, With Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. xoxo
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