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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/06/2014 in all areas

  1. RachelDenae, You are in the right place. Would speak about this to as many TRUSTWORTHY people as possible, starting here. This is a very emotionally safe space, tightly moderated by kind moderators. Country folk (I won't use the impolite terms) often act out of fear because they do not have the opportunity to live in a cosmopolitan, more open-minded area. If it would bring you a chuckle, not long ago had to show a man from Texas who wore a ten gallon white hat and cowboy boots how to ride the subway in NYC! Transitioning or coming out (as in my case as a GG Lesbian) often means going from one kind of family to another. Also came from a toxic family. Am grateful for the family members who were not toxic (thank you, Aunt Edie!) and ignore the rest. Please do not let them be your judge and jury. Do not give them power by hating them. You WILL find healthy family and friends. You deserve good things in your life. Suggest you ask yourself, one person at a time, do I feel good when I am with this person and do I feel better after having been with this person than before I met this person? Please watch for repeats of CNN's "Lady of Valor: The Kristen Beck Story," which shows how she and her family struggled with the emotional issues of her transition. RachelDenae, we are always here for you!
    1 point
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