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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/2015 in all areas

  1. Wow So much has happened in the last year (since 5/1/2014) the day first saw my therapist and she said those fateful words “oh it sounds like you may be transgender.” I’d never heard those words before. But those words that have turned my world upside down. No actually they have turned my world upside right, but have turner everyone else’s upside down. So here’s what has happen since I heard those words On May 31st came out to my wife Sometime in July, finally said I might be transgender. August 29th went to my first Trans Support Group August 30th came out to my health coach October said that I am transgender November 2nd came out to my colorist November 10th met a trans friend November 17th came out to my doctor November 17th started wearing nothing but women’s clothes every day About November 20th stopped having migraines November 19th came out to my nail girl December 3rd came out to my massage therapist December 3rd through January 31st came out to about 25 sales women About January 1st stopped taking all medications, sleeping pills, muscle relaxers, or antidepressants January 10th saw new therapist January 11th got fitted for my first bra January 31st told 2 women at blood bank About February 1st totally accepted and even embraced the fact I am transgender. February 2nd came out to friend in Texas (1st guy) February 18th told my new doctor January 28th told 2 more women at blood bank March 16th came out to my cousin March 28th came out to my daughters March 28th through April 30 came out to 10 other sales women April 22nd met a new friend and she totally accepts me for me April 25th came out to my best friend (2nd guy) So now today I don’t hate myself. I don’t hate the fact I am transgender. In fact I love me for who and what am, and that’s a transgender woman. On the day you I firs heard “you may be transgender” and there was a magic pill I could take to make me not be trans, I would have taken it in a heartbeat. 3 months ago I am not sure I what would have done. Today I am not taking it and there’s no way you can force it down my throat. I used to look at it as a curse, but now see it as a blessing. I would not want to be not trans because I would not just lose part of me, I would lose me. I am so much a peace with who and what I am I have not taken any numbing medications(sleeping pills, muscle relaxers, or antidepressants ) in over 4 months and have only had 1 migraine in 5 last months. I think that’s really awesome. It’s not that I feel better than I ever have it that I feel alive for the first time. So today I say I am transgender, YES I AM PROUD TO BE TRANSGENDER!! “oh it sounds like you may be transgender.” Hugs, Dawn Lynn PS by the way the translation “oh it sounds like you may be transgender.” for me is "of course you not a sick disgusting pervert" which is what I thought for most of the first 55 year of my life" So in essence those words have freed me from my self made prison I spent my whole life in.
    2 points
  2. Dear Dawn, I love your post; it really speaks to me. I wonder what my life might have been like if a therapist had said those words to me, too. I was so ashamed of my feelings for so many decades... I was even afraid to admit my feelings to a therapist! Which seems stupid now, but my shame was in control. No more, no more. Anyway, you deserve such accolades for what you have accomplished. Good for you. I hope we hear from you more often! hugs, Emma
    2 points
  3. My Dear Friends, When I learned about demisexuality, (here at TGGuide!), I was really excited because it described me to a 'T'! Demisexuality, in my opinion, is not about sexual orientation, but about a person's APPROACH to sexuality, no matter what their sexual orientation is. It is "one step up" from asexuality, in that a demisexual is not easily aroused, because it takes time for the demisexual to get to know the person before becoming aroused. A demisexual is defined by a person who is sexually attracted by a person's character or interior, rather than their exterior, or looks. In my opinion, a demisexual can be Straight or TLGB. Ideally, a demisexual would be attracted to another demisexual, as they would more likely resonate with one another. Consider myself a demisexual, as I always took my time to get to know a person before becoming involved with them. My friends would jokingly say that I was "slow as molasses," and that by the time I decided I liked a girl, that she would think I was not interested, and be long gone by the time I share with her that I was interested in getting to know her better! Have passed up many a beautiful woman (not that they would be interested in me!) because I did not resonate with her heart. Found true love with another demisexual, a beautiful, brilliant Lesbian transwoman who was a scientist. We were friends for two years and even "hung out" together, before dating. On my side, I thought that such a beautiful woman would never be interested in a woman that looked like me, and such a brilliant woman as her would not be interested in an intelligent, but not brilliant, woman as me. She was a scientist and I was a human rights/civic activist. She read Scientific American and I read a wide variety of magazines and newspapers. She had a laser intellect and I had broad interests. Thankfully, she never humiliated me with her great intellect. She was a truly humble woman. We complimented each other very well. Recently, while Spring cleaning, I discovered her address and telephone number. Called her and found her she was still the beautiful woman (inside and out) that I always loved, but now is happily involved with someone else. Am very happy for her. Two excellent websites about demisexuality: http://www.lonerwolf.com/are-you-demisexual/ http://www.demisexuality.org/whatisdemisexuality.html Some say being a "romantic," is a sexual orientation, but I think that is a way of showing love that could apply to ALL sexual orientations and ALL approaches to sexuality. In my opinion, I think I am a "romantic," because I love celebrating the holidays, especially Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter, and I never forget birthdays and anniversaries. Know many people of different sexual orientations who are the same way. In short, I am a hopeless romantic! A great big "thank you," to my beloved, who showed me that I have a lot of live to give to my lady, no matter what I may want to call it! Monica
    1 point
  4. Although I had been masculine for most of my adult years, I have been officially out to my family since Jan. 2010 and I have been on testosterone for close to three years. I put off my transition because I didn't think I would have a family if I did. After many of my mom's abusive comments towards me, I finally said, "screw this" and started it. I was right. Our relationship was pretty non-existent, and when I thought I would try to rekindle a familial dynamic again, my mom plain refused to acknowledge my identity, referring to me with female pronouns even though my voice was deep and had facial hair. The day after the Bruce Jenner interview, I ended up seeing her for a family function. She has watched 20/20 and Dateline and like shows for years, so I assumed she saw it, but didn't bring it up. Later in the afternoon, she asked if I watched it. It sparked about a 3 hour conversation, one which I feel was long overdue. Nothing negative was said. It was all positive. She even cried. I don't know if the tears were the realization that being trans is real, and she reflected on the things she's said and the way she treated me in the past, or something else, but I don't care. She actually showed an emotion instead of hiding it and hurting people. At this moment, I feel like she is now supportive, and this is something I have NEVER had from her. Thanks Bruce Jenner for sharing your story.
    1 point
  5. Dawn, What a wonderful year! Like Emma I wish I had a therapist say that to me at some point - but once I said it to myself I experienced the same general feeling, really almost immediate elation. I haven't stopped anti-depressants yet, but probably soon. I look forward to hearing about your ongoing progress xoxo Christie
    1 point
  6. Hi Monica, As one of your fans, please allow me to be one of the first to welcome you BACK to TG Guide! We missed you. And also, I love your post about demisexuality. I think you are making 100% sense. Good on you, Monica, always. Your friend, Emma
    1 point
  7. Over the past few weeks I felt at times I should had some orgasmic feelings down below and was just getting ready to contact Marci asking if this was normal to have clitorous sensation to nothing at all even with manual stimulation. I was told that don't expect much until the nerves grow back and was fine with this but wait a minute, why was it there then went away. Well without going into details I was asked by a man about sexual desires in a email. While writing back I felt the sensations which was about ten minutes ago and they are still there thank goodness. So my reason for posting here is that others might have similar experiences and want them to know if you had it and it went away perhaps (and I am guessing this here) it is from a lack of sexual thoughts being provoked. Now there is always the chance you will never have these sensations which is why those who are considering GRS is to make sure you choose wisely to the surgeon you select. I can not even begin to imagine going through the rest of my life without those sensations it would be horrible to say the least. It has been about 15 minutes and the sensations have not gone away yet
    1 point
  8. H A L L E L U J A H!, one more time then!
    1 point
  9. Veronica, I would be lost if the dice rolled the wrong way eek, don't even want to go there. Sex is down the list for me but essential just the same.
    1 point
  10. Karen, Glad to hear that your healing well! Glad to know that your surgery came out ok. You took a big roll of the dice because nerves are some tricky mojo. Hallelujah? Oh heck yeah! Awesome news for you!
    1 point
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