Hiya Blair. Firstly, Welcome to TGGuide. You are very Welcome here. Secondly, Congratulations on Coming Out. I Am Stephanie, a 53 Year-Old MtoF Transitioning Transsexual, from Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, in the UK. I Came-Out as Transsexual, on 30th. April, 2015, and I have been Fully; Full-Time; Female-Dressed, and Living; since 1st. May, 2015. Blair, be Proud to be You, Sweetheart. It Is a Long journey, We are on. I Registered My Transsexuality with My Doctor's on 25th. June, 2015, and on the Same Date, they Registered it for Me, with the Gender Identity Clinic, at London's Charing Cross Hospital. Coming-Out, was like having a Massive Weight, Lifted-Off Both of My Shoulder's. I Am Now a much happier Person, than I have ever been. I have known since I was 3 Year's of Age, that I Am Female; Trapped; in a Male Body. I have Always hated My Male Part's, and I Do want Full Gender Reassignment Surgery. Blair, Be Happy, Be You. Enjoy being Who You really are. Have Fun on the Way. I will suggest that if You have Not yet, that You try and find a Trans-Friendly Cafe or Somewhere that You could visit, Locally. Blair, If You would like to speak, I and others on TGGuide are here. Blair, Take Care Young Lady, and My Very Best Wishes, Stephanie.