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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/27/2015 in all areas

  1. Hi all, It's been a busy few weeks so I haven't had a chance to read or write here - I hope everyone is having a nice holiday season! My year is ending on a nice flourish. First, I went back to Social Security with my new doctor's note and they've now corrected my gender in their records - and the woman I dealt with was extremely nice - possibly because she knows that what happened last time was so wrong. She also referred to me as "ma'am" several times I got my new birth certificate the same day. Sent holiday cards to all my family and friends, including a note about my transition to anyone I hadn't told yet, I want to start 2016 with everyone knowing. I've already gotten a very nice note of support back from my cousin Betsy. My brother's card (no doubt written by his girlfriend, based on the handwriting), included "Ms." before my name on the envelope On a broader front - NYC recently reaffirmed a law it passed previously that compels instance companies to cover transitioning costs! There is no doubt some wiggle-room for them, but it's a positive developement, and one that could save me much money down the road. I wrote to our HR person to see if they have more information. Finally, as the end of the year approaches I thought it would be good to reach out to people who have been especially supportive and encouraging over the year in my transition - so far that includes my therapist (yes it's technically her job, but she's been especially good at it), and Pattaya - the drag queen I regularly see and who let's me perform now and then - I have no doubt that performing helped move me along quicker than i might have, presenting as a woman in front of a bunch of people in a "safe" space. The pic below is me with Pattaya on Tuesday night - I performed Debbie Gibson's "sleigh ride" And thank you to everyone here this is a great community, providing lots of love and support and great practical inormation! Finally, for anyone out there going through hard times and feeling alone - please know that nothing is permanent. As I wrote above about the positive things in my life I was fully aware of the bad that had come before, and I know it will come again, that's just reality, for everyone. I wish I had a nice quote to close this off with, but I'm a prose writer not a poet Just know that no matter what, this is your one and only life, even if you can't pull off optimism right now you can again sometime! Love, Christie
    1 point
  2. Well 2015 is coming to a close, have squeezed a lot into this year in regards to surgeries, lots of paperwork and a brand new car and very satisfied with the results. Four years ago this was entirely a dream, seemingly out of reach because I could not give up what I had in regards to teaching self-defense but then realized that I had crammed many years into teaching and as much as I enjoyed teaching I could finally kiss it goodbye to make myself happy overall. My guess is that many wrestle with similar aspects when they are certain that transitioning is right for them and hope that those riding the line, struggling with making the decision to move forward do so and don't procrastinate but instead stall progress if they feel as I did, unsure what the future might be. For many uncertainty is "will I still have a job", "acceptance from family and friends", "emotional battles from waiting" etc. I know my surgery was right from many telling me I look content, smile (was told I rarely smiled) often, love female privilege, learning to leave male privilege behind as if I never had them. I do struggle with silly things like being able to play guitar with decent length nails, changing pads often when wearing a thong (took a long time to master the back end of the pad), what clothes should I wear today (and rummage through through clothes on the floor often rather than the closet), did I wear that outfit already this week? My taste in movies has change, last night I watched "the age of Adaline" which I would had never watched two years ago but now would even consider purchasing it. I watched it for a dollar so even if I didn't like it no big deal. I experience life completely different emotionally both good and bad. There are day that all I want to do is stay in bed and most times have no clue why while 99 percent of the time I am very happy. Still more attracted to females than males and there has been several times in the past few months I was putty to both genders. I am fully embracing life both good and bad and excited for what comes next.
    1 point
  3. Hiya Karen. You have become the most Beautiful, Pretty, Gorgeous Lady. Your Kindness, Care, and Love , that You show Us All on here, is so very much appreciated. Karen, I hope that Your Saturday Car Club drives, are going well. Karen, A Very Merry Christmas, And A Very Happy New Year for 2016 Young Lady. Good Health, And Every Happiness, You deserve it Karen. Take Care, And My Very Best Wishes, Love Stephanie. xxxx
    1 point
  4. To all of you lovely people out there, have a Happy Christmas and an amazing New Year being your true self. Hugs Eve
    1 point
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