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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/03/2016 in all areas

  1. I am having chest surgery in four weeks. I am super excited, and a little terrified. Nobody in my family knows. They're not supportive, and I don't want any passive-aggressive comments to bring me down. I'm sad that I feel I can't share this milestone with them.
    2 points
  2. Hiya Luna. Congratulations Sweetheart. I heard from Charing Cross Hospital - Gender Identity Clinic, on Wednesday of Last Week. They sent Me the Consent Form's, and other Paperwork. I filled them out, and returned them, on the same day. I Am now just playing the waiting game. You are obviously a lot further on than Me. Luna, You Can be Very Proud Honey. Good Luck, Good Health, Take Care, And My Very Best Wishes, Love, Stephanie. xx
    2 points
  3. So one beautiful thing about being openly female is all the ways i get to express myself. The really amazing thing is shifting from fear of "omg what if they find out" to "omg they are okay with this... omg its gonna be okay." I know that this is not everyone's experience and it breaks my heart. I know I am super privilaged to live and work in western mass USA where lgbtq respect is one of the best in the country. I just am so grateful that this is not just where I came to but also where i grew up. That a lot of these people have been friends for a while some for a long time. I am privilaged that my family accepts me and that some family is also affirming and supportive. I am so glad to be able to be who I am. My heart is flooded with emotions at this time and I just want to tell anyone / everyone going through the process of coming out. What ever letter of alphabet soup you fall into, that I love you and I respect you and I honor you for being you. If you are not feeling comfortable or safe coming out... I want to tell you that I accept you, that I am here for you. It is a privilage to feel safe coming out to the world. It is an honor to come out to myself. <3 Luna
    1 point
  4. Dear Brigsby, I can hardly imagine the feelings you are experiencing and I'm saddened to consider how hard all this must be for you. I'm sure you've thought it all through countless times. I wonder if you've also talked with a therapist who understands you and your situation much better than we ever would? Sometimes it helps to have a trusted 3rd party to brainstorm with. Regardless, it's good to hear from you and I hope we can provide assurance that you're part of a supportive community of brothers and sisters. Hugs, Emma
    1 point
  5. So i just got word today that my boss is changing my email and buisness cards to reflect my preffered name. I am really excited and very grateful for this. My work has been incredibly supportive during my transistion so far and I cannot thank them enough. I am really excited to see a card with the name Luna on it in the near future. To me having my name reflect me is both a sign of respect to my needs as well as very kind and understanding. I am really psyched and I just wanted to share.
    1 point
  6. yea its pretty awesome. Finally got my gender disphoria diagnosis today so some time soon i can start hrt. Things are moving along nicely.
    1 point
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