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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/2018 in all areas

  1. Dear Christy, Became friends with a group of Gaymales. Had a conversation that was a first for themselves and myself, which prior to this conversation, they only discussed among themselves. They found the smell of women offensive, no matter how clean. Also, they liked the smell of men. Interestingly, as a cisgender butch Lesbian, I find the smell of even clean men offensive, and I like the smell of women. Your friend, Monica
    1 point
  2. Haha, okay this is gonna be a stretch, but.... I went back to my dentist again last Wednesday. Remember I brought up meeting another "Jess" in my blog What's in a name? Well, 2 root canals and crowns was the order of the day and Jess was assisting again. No pain at all, again had a great time, and they probably think it was the Novocain that was the reason. I'm sure it helped, but I think my attitude was the predominant factor here. Next appointment was to be 2 weeks from now (I have 4 appt's set up for November already) and I told them if they get any cancellations to call me and I'll be there within a 30 minute notice. I need a lot of work done and want to be done with it this year. I've neglected it too long. Got a call Friday to come in Monday at 7:30 am.👍 Working more on my smile!😍. I now have a reason to smile.😃! Down the road sometime, when the time is right, they'll know just how much they meant to me. Jess
    1 point
  3. Christy and Emma. Yes the Joy...radiates. I noticed this the moment I joined the community and it hasn't wavered a bit since, when I'm out and about in my daily life. Some "phenomenon" at work there, maybe the feeling of shedding a long held inhibition, knowing that I'm headed in a good path or something like that. I do believe it shows in one's face, attitude, and how we engage with others, and it is contagious to those we encounter. Maybe goes into the "feeling of little girl" or "adolescence" when we start out. Whatever, the ride I'm on sure feels great.!😊
    1 point
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