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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/25/2020 in all areas

  1. I have a weird phobia about things being removed from my body. I even had panic attacks over them removing my wisdom teeth back in my youth, and I'd been raised with the understanding that would happen, there has been no single member of my family who they fit in the mouths. So last month I started getting severe abdominal issues, and first er said it was food poisoning (cuz you know, has to happen at midnight), but then four days later it happened again, and Nikki had no issues and we eat the same food. (I cook all our meals, we observer dash diet together, I even send his lunches in bentose that I make in advance). So The second attack I waited til mrning and saw my actual doctor, and started in on the oh, you fit 6 of the 7 main criteria so let's look at yoru gal bladder, youp, you broke it it has to go. Yesterday they removed it. I really had to suck it up, but one wrong food choice mouthful and it was worse pain than my previous marker, giving birth. So with a lot of coaxing from Nikki I did and went to have it out. Was terrified all week because of a known complication, but it went well. Had four rods and am suffering no post surgical complications other than the anti-nausea patch they put on everyone to prevent incidents in the surgery had to be removed right after, it made the room MOVE when I woke up, so disorienting, and my throat was feeling really abused from the breathing tube. It was kinda surreal when they kept telling me how great I was doing basically just laying on the or table watching them buzz around prepping. Laying on a table wasn't hard. : ) Although with my native clumsyness it was a minor miracle I got on and stayed on without falling off I suppose. Hope you are all healthy!
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