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Everything posted by KarenPayne

  1. Up late but sure wish I was sleeping

  2. KarenPayne


    Went to bed not feeling well, all points to bowel. Got four hours sleep, woke up, empty pee bag then back in bed but felt wet on the backside. Yeah know in this case I was right to wear black undies. Washed the soiled undies, took a decent poop. Still not feeling good at all and stepped outside for a minute, came back inside, made coffee and while waiting drank OJ (this is at 1 AM mind you), popped on the tele, watched the beginning o the late show and started feeling much better. The feeling (or urge) to go is subsiding currently :-) Lesson: When you feel wet, you are more likely to be a mess down there, wet wipes in multiple rooms is a good thing along with an ample supply of undies woohoo
  3. Hello, I wanted to add in that PayPal was great for me in the USA. I deactivated my former account on the phone then had them transfer my bank information from that account to the Karen Payne account which must be done by PalPay. Total time on the phone was just about ten minutes.
  4. I told my daughter I would call her next week but she thought it was going to be this week eek. So I came out in a well thought out manner, in short she was fine with it then proceeded to chatter away on normal stuff for over an hour. Yeah see we are close knit but I delayed telling her for several good reasons. Phone call ended quickly because my bowel was a moving :-) and wanted to say good bye to my poop. Oh, she is moving from the East Coast to Oregon in the fall and will be living within 20 minutes of my place. I live in the capital because of work, she will be living in Portland because of work so it all works out
  5. Emma, this is my profession :-) also I have the other browsers installed and tried them in December and again prior to posting this. To give an idea of my computer talent, Microsoft has a program MVP (Most Valued Professional) where each quarter there is at least 5 million people trying to get this but there are only 3,000 slots available and you can not apply, someone nominates say me then they ask if I want it. Hopefully I am not coming across badly but I have debugging skills here and know enough that at this very moment in time, same as the week of Christmas when I first encountered this can not be fixed. I could easily write up several MS-Word pages of a document to show the underbelly of what I did while diagnosing this out but I have better things to do. Below is my MVP page https://mvp.microsoft.com/en-us/mvp/Kevin%20S%20Gallagher-5001096
  6. I have an idea what is causing this and if I was at work could quickly verify it since we have one computer that can do all versions of Windows and every major browser and at last the past three major revisions of the browsers. Bottom line is there nothing I can do here other than use an older computer which is not for me
  7. KarenPayne


    When done here take a nap then walk to the mall down the street. Have checked with the front desk, they will pick me up if for any reason I am unable to make it back. Come back, do my meds and clean up followed by another nap. I am taking extra pads and water with me. Best thing here is exercise for better recovery. :D While at the mall I walked by a nail salon, backed up and had my nails done with shellac. I feel better after having them done which was partly why I went out, exercise and do something to feel better after being cooped up for several days
  8. Enjoying the nice fresh morning air before the sunrises

  9. I always get up at the crack of dawn (well actually way before) and my mind is fully operational. This morning what was racing through my mind Look at Microsoft Outlook calendar, when did I last take pain-killer (range is take one every four to six hours), well I slept six hours so this is a no-brainer but I can not stress enough that if you go thru this to document when meds were taken and for some may want to create alerts for when the next times are. So my cephalexin is also on alerts. Now let's talk pads, I am constantly checking mine and immediately changing to a new one no questions asked to ensure I eliminate possible chances of infection down there. Yeah the subject line may have been done better but the point is the same, it is critical to take care of yourself while recovering between the initial hospital stay and the post surgery appointment and beyond. Keep it flowing in your mind "personal hygiene"
  10. If I use my old Window machine it works but fails on my new laptop and also the interment Windows 8 laptop. I write software for a living thus I did try things like uploading to the gallery first but that also locked up. Sadly all other sites I deal with work fine other than here which is why I signed up on WordPress for a blog as what I do there works.
  11. Worked on it for roughly 30 minutes as a programmer but zero luck so I am only posting on www.karenpayneblog.com thanks for understanding.
  12. It is critical that one can poop before being discharged. With past surgeries I had a great deal of troubles unlike this time. What made the difference? Consuming massive quantities of water and a decent Amount of prune juice. Past and present I had same amount of stool softener. With that guess were I am heading :-)
  13. I have the hospital food service phone in left ear, cell phone in right ear, staring at my iPad and the nurse comes in, her facial expression was priceless when she saw me lol.
  14. Feeling fantastic. I get out tomorrow and plan to get into more details in my blog before I lose it

    1. Ronnie Virga

      Ronnie Virga


      Great news. Thank You for your abundant candor and STELLAR good cheer ! :)

      I would expect nothing less from our number one blogger here on the guide.

      My compliments and appreciation. Truly instructional and inspirational.


    2. KarenPayne


      I try to put things out there that I hope is useful and with that thanks for the compliment

    3. jls


      Its very helpful, Glad to hear..

  15. KarenPayne


    Sorry for all the short comments, they will help me later to tell a story and for anyone interested to know kind of what i am doing. Just was shown how to rub an ointment on my sutures but they did it for me
  16. KarenPayne


    All food taste like cardboard, gas less of an issue. Took another walk this afternoon.
  17. KarenPayne


    Got to walk but got a really bad gas attack, lucky it happened next to my bed because I collapsed onto the bed. Ten minutes later I feel fine
  18. KarenPayne


    Feeling much better, packing has been removed, virtually no bleeding
  19. KarenPayne


    Just typed a whole lot and was lost with no idea why
  20. Have some ugly, discomforting pain from gas for the past two hours but no pain at surgery site. It is hard to type but wanted to get this out.
  21. Update, the nurses started to become concerned with me bleeding excessively. About 4PM Marci came in after finishing up another surgery and had to do a few sutures on me. At 9PM no bleeding detected so all is good. Tomorrow I get out of bed and walk :-) PS Saw my new plumbing :-)
  22. Doctor Bowers did a peek in, said no need for sutures which is good news. Marci and the two nurses said my vagina came out very good.
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