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Ronnie Virga

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Everything posted by Ronnie Virga

  1. Goog piece by Tammy Bruce on why we can make this the good fight and NOT go all "occupy stupid". http://video.foxnews.com/v/4149090757001/mainstream-media-attack-indiana-pizza-shop/?intcmp=obnetwork&playlist_id=trending#sp=show-clips

    1. UsernameOptional


      To boycott is one thing. But the death threats are wrong and definitely uncalled for.

    2. MonicaPz


      Veronica and Michael,

      Agree with you (and Tammy Bruce) that two wrongs don't make a right . . .

    3. Emma


      Yes, death threats are 100% wrong. Violence and threats of violence escalates tensions, doesn't cure anything.

  2. Best of Luck Karen ! :)
  3. Mellow weekend. Downtime and introspection. Some time under the Stars. Saw the ISS. Danced under a waxing Moon ! :)

  4. I am going to sleep. I have PM's and Blog Entries I feel need shar

    1. MonicaPz


      Veronica, always enjoy your posts and PMs!

  5. I am going to sleep. I have PM's and Blog Entries I feel need shar

  6. Karen, I read this after what TJDavies wrote in the shout box yesterday, 28th about his Dad bringing him some grub. I understand about missing someone who is beyond the veil between they're days and ours. I miss my brother "Rocky" and I never met him. My Mom who is with him now used to tell me he was my guardian Angel. I can only say this. That your Sister was lucky to have someone who cared about her so much. I think that the Karen I have come to know, was luckyto have a Sister, period. I am glad I have and had them. I also think your Sister wouls agree with me, tha having Karen in her life, made it a better life. That they still speak to us and influence us from beyond the veil is perfectly natural for me to accept. One the thing about having family members descend from native American culture, they know the way home. Also, that when dealing with grief, I have found that it may leave me alone from time to time, but it never actually leaves. I wouldn't want it any other way. Shedding a tear over someone I love is never a tear wasted. HUGE HUgs! Veronica Beta.
  7. Really begining to enjoy Spring. The change in the amount of daylight? FABULOUS ! :)

    1. MonicaPz


      Veronica, I am JEALOUS! Raining all day today and tomorrow, and snow during the weekend here in upstate New York! LOL!

  8. Karen, That sounds like a good way to work the kinks out of the work week ! Enjoy ! Veronica.
  9. Emma, To quote you, "Yeah, that's good advice I think as well, Veronica. I'm holding tight to the side of the swimming pool, afraid at times of getting water up my nose. :-)" Just remember Emma,if you do decide to let go, we mammals automatically hold our breath. And at this pool, there are lot's of life guards! ;)
  10. Karen. I understand. Well said and good advice. I can remember the exact time and date that I died. I had a deluxe cheeseburger and a large coke to celebrate with all the other dead people I met that day! My life has been a wild ride ever since ! And I have to say you are 100% correct. Sometimes the best way to know ones self is just to let go! Veronica.
  11. Not going to be moving after all this year! YAY! Which is good. Thinking of buying a place now that the market is realtively steady.

    1. MonicaPz


      Thinking of moving to Kingston, NY, an even smaller town than Beacon, but much more TLGB - friendly, with their own TLGB Center . . .

  12. Karen. You are the only you I have ever known at this site. I am thankful for that. Your blog, with it's candor and clarity is going to help a lot of people I am sure. Veronica.
  13. Thanks Ms. Payne Think it's time to have another chat with my PCP! :)
  14. Spicy. For a moment I thought you were channeling Jude Deveraux! Anyway. Bravo for you. Compliments to your surgeons. Thanks for sharing your sojourn with us. Hugs. Veronica.
  15. Karen Thanks for that update. I don't know why, but the idea of breast enhancement from HRT completely slipped my mind. I have never taken any hormones in my life. Had a regular physical last Aug and my PCP, a crackerjack Doc was going over my labs with me. He turns the folder over, looks a bit puzzled, and then goes back to the report. Then he looks at me and says "For a moment there, looking at your results, I thought these might be your wifes labs for a second". Now I'm down the rabbit hole! Is it possible that my body chemistry could be that close to female norms and he's the first Doc to ever spot it? Ever heard of anything like this before. What's really weird is this morning, while I was drying off from my shower, my wife stepped into the bathroom and says "Nice Hooters". I looked in the mirror and was like "What the ........". I can actually cup the darn things in my hand! So now I have to consider this. Do I need to see a geneticist? One of the male family members on my mothers side had breast cancer. Thanks for making me think about something I never would have without reading this. Oh, and when your "upgrade" is complete, I am sure I am not alone on the site with this. Fashion pics please? Cheers Veronica.
  16. You know your in a decent rest room when there is a trash can by the door to drop the tissue you used to open it! :)
  17. I did my homework tonight. Three little dots and some silent drive by's from a slow motion horse ! ;)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. UsernameOptional
    3. Ronnie Virga

      Ronnie Virga

      Viking Guy is mischievous, but he is merciful. He gave me a tip ! :)

    4. KarenPayne
  18. I did my homework tonight. Three little dots and some silent drive by's from a slow motion horse ! ;)

  19. Karen "Now here is something I found interesting, she believes that transitioning is one of the most difficult paths a human take embark on. As we know many want to but do not because of monetary issues or physiological issues. Then there are some who manage to have GRS (Gender Reassignment Surgery) but in one way or another end up a failure which in some cases leads to death. I am fortunate to have many people help me along the way and it help that I had the mindset and the motivation to take the right path on my journey of life." Thank you for that very concise point. It begs I ask the question. maybe two First, are there or can there be people who are just "girly" between the ears, and can they muddle through the maelstrom of life and pass behind the veil with a smile on they're face? Second, and I beg pardon if my terminology is a little primitive. If I had a nice rack installed, what if that was the only thing that I FELT I needed to get me where I want to be? (I am working on my fitness. My waist matches what it was in my Junior year of High School and I weigh less ! Just got to condition my junk ! ) Does that make any sense? Again, thanks for helping me pick that out of the background of transition stuff that is churning around my brain. Your blog is fascinating. Veronica.
  20. Created a new "Friends Only" album dedicated to my BAD (Beyond A Doubt) "better half".

  21. I thought what this place is about was confusing. Sailor Moon is confusing ! ? :)

  22. I thought what this place is about was confusing. Sailor Moon is confusing ! ? :)

  23. The veil is so thin right now. I've been smelling lillac all morning long. Hi Mom, miss ya ! :)

    1. MonicaPz


      Love the smell of lilac!

    2. Ronnie Virga

      Ronnie Virga

      TY Monica. I imagine I'll be smelling some Brut pretty soon. My Dad was always a late riser on the weekends! ;)

    3. MonicaPz


      Miss my Mom (died 2 months short of 92) and my Dad (died one day after turning 61). Both have visited me after they died . . .

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