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Blog Comments posted by eveannessant

  1. Try epilating, I use a Braun silk epil, the results last longer than shaving and the regrowth is not spikey as it is when you shave. A little bit painful at first in some areas, notably upper inner thighs and arm pits, but after you've suffered the pain a couple of times it's a lot easier. i used to have a hairy chest, but the regrowth now is amazingly less and an epilation there lasts for 3 weeks or so, and is now very limited to the area between my boobs.

    Cheers Eve

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  2. Hmmmm stubble's a bu**er...........isn't it? I just don't shave on the morning of my appointment, so there's not much growth to be seen. My electrologist also complains about the shortness of my facial hair, but I have appointments at work and so forth, that I have to attend on the previous day, & I don't want to do a convincing impersonation of the bearded woman ! I'm amazed at the quick progress that you seem to be having, I have been attending half hour sessions most weeks for over a year now, it seems to be a very gradual process, but it seems to be a lot less tougher than it used to be, and moustache has all but dissapeared..............double g, by the way LoL.:P

    Good luck with the hormone tests.



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  3. Thanks Karen this helps me to get the "ducks in line before shooting them", sometime in the future. Sexuality? I must confess that I'm becoming confused with the passing of time, in so much that, seemingly to me, my preferences are not so black and white as they used to be. I don't think that this anything that I either regret or applaud, it's just something that seems to be happening, I doubt that I'll ever do anything positive about it either, least not whilst I remain happily married.



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  4. hmmmmm .........Hope cahnges a man?,  no, hormones change a man ! LoL, & so you won't be male everywhere it counts for much longer so it would seem!

    Good luck with the endocrinologist.



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  5. It's good that you're in the throng too, mostly you'll either be ignored or have positive comments, a few bad comments might happen but I suspect not many at all. I had a bit of negativism (have I spelt that correctly?) from two or three of my neighbours, and an awful looking woman in a pub, and I think that was about it with negative responses when I transitioned full-time. The neighbours soon stopped staring especially when I eventually stared back at them! I soon became yesterday's news. From most accounts this seems to be a fairly typical sort of negative reaction, so don't worry too much about it.

    So why is it good to be in the throng?, because it'll give you so much confidence in a relatively short period of time, it's termed 'being thrown in at the deep end'. Hmmm character building I 'spose. Going to County Court did it for me, as I posted a few months ago.

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  6. Karen,

    Is that a marguerita? I thought that you didn't drink! We were so shortsighted to have lost what has turned out to be the most successful place we ever colonised, but there we are, and I still have to put up with stupid British politicians............................... Happy independance Day, god bless you all.



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  7. Christie,

    Similar to Karen when I dressed androgynously I used the male toilets, but if I dressed female I used the womens loos. There's an almost protocol over here that if you dress female and are reasonably convincing you use the womens.

    Anyway it reminds me of my first time out dressed as female, my boobs were nothing more than mole hills at that time, so I didn't have much confidence at all. Anyway two of my full-time trans friends decided that it'd be good to take me out shopping in Birmingham city centre............. I was nervous as hell. Anyway out we went and it came to pass that I needed the loo for more than a pee, nervousness I guess. Anyway we went into the Bullring (really large new shopping mall), and I nervously went into the ladies, and darted into the first cubicle available to me, conducted my business and reached for the toilet paper.....................which wasn't there, so that's why there were queues for the other cubicles and not this one , Eve you're such a Jackass! I couldn't ask next door for some paper because my voice is not very female, and I envisaged screams of there's a man in the ladies loos, and security guards coming in to remove me...................oh shit what will I do? I then remembered that my wife had made me put two packs of paper hankies in my hand bag. Anyway you might be able to imagine my relief............and it makes an amusing story now.

    Point of the above parable is to be prepared and keep paper hankies in your handbag!



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  8. Karen,

    Yes my electrolysist does apply a cooling compound (some formula with Aloe vera I think) and then a special made for purpose tinted compound similar to a concealer. I don't get any where near as many blemishes now that I'm on the decapeptyl injection medication, no Testosterone to cause spots I suppose. But my face has raised areas (hives?) immediately around the empty hair folicles, for a day or so afterwards.

    LoL. :(Diet & hydrating, yes I need to take my diet a lot more seriously and stop hydrating with so much Alcohol, correction stop alcohol altegether for a couple of months or so!:mellow:

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  9. Monica,

    Thanks for your comments which I do agree with. For 99% of UK weather conditions I already have clothing tied up pretty much so far, I do go shopping sometimes with cis women and I really enjoy it, they are soooo enthusiastic showing me what they consider would suit me, especially whilst abroad, other times I shop on the internet. I also have a book entitled "what not to wear" by Trinny Woodall & Susannah Constantine (they had a show on BBC about make-overs) ISBN 0 297 84331 1. Unfortunately in extremely hot weather the need to not wear much, clashes with broad shoulders and no hips, there's no getting round it.

    I have found that long line cardigan or edge to edge jackets work extremely well for me, as do tunic tops, longish tops that have a scoop neck or wrap over style tops that show that boobs are real and attract many eyes away from my less convincing parts, I avoid any padded shoulders, skin tight leggings are ok if wearing a tunic, if not then loose trousers, just above knee length skirts when wearing reasonably loose tops that are hip length and so on...........wedge sandals or block heeled sandals, ankle or knee boots depending on skirt or trouser types in the cooler weather.


    It was a steep learning curve, regarding clothing and many mistakes were made in my early in the closet days, leather mini skirts, over the knee boots, heavy over the top make-up etc, typical tranny tart clothing, which I suppose is what I have evolved from over the last 5-6 years. Of course to truly pass in real life experience, one has to dress as a cis woman does not as a tranny tart does, and also as a cis woman of my age does, not as a cis teenager! I never wear those sort of clothes now, even around the house...........because i'd look like a man in drag (in the UK aka tranny tart).

    Apologies for any political incorrectness above.........

    Having electrolysis can sometimes leave blemishes on my face that usually take 3 days or so to diminish, so make-up is required for me when I'm out and about. Trouble - yes it is, but unfortunately I need it.


    This morning it is considerably cooler that the last couple of days, with temps forcast to be 23o, cloudy and heavy showers / thunderstorms, this is from a weather front coming in off the lovely Atlantic Ocean.............I can cope with this LoL (I can also cope with higher temps if it's dry heat and there's a wind).

    Cheers both,


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  10. Hi Warren,

    I feel kind of strange because I haven't really had any meaningful contact with a F to M trans person before, so it's kinda hard for me to think in reverse, or was it me just being too idle minded to do so? Anyway it's not for not wanting to. But, trying very hard to ditch all my masculine thoughts, looks and bits and pieces, makes it hard to see the reverse process, such a shame bodies can't be swopped around!

    One common thing that became apparent when reading your blog, is that of lack of respect from others, in your case the woman whom you share her house with, I feel extremely sorry for you, is there no right to be housed by the state in the US?

    I must agree with you regarding mens toilets, they are absolutely disgusting, so glad I no longer use them or behave in such ways either, but hey transitioning isn't all gain, just like most aspects of life it's swings and roundabouts, gain some, lose some.

    Anyway I liked your video, you seemed very cute (no I'm not coming on to you!) & serious at the same time. Have you tried a Gynecomastia vest as a binding? Not sure if you are aware of them or not, but just in case you aren't;

    • They are a vest that is made from a very strong elasticated material designed to hide breasts or moobs (Men sometimes gain breasts, usually when young or when older, it's called Gynecomastia caused by hormonal imbalances).
    • The material is similar to the stretchy sides of a bra but far stronger.

    I used one whilst I was taking oestrogen for 18 months or so at times when I needed to maintain my former male identity, of course in the end I hated the damned thing, but it was extremely effective. 

    Cheers Eve



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  11. Hi Karen, I agree with the nail salon advice, I hope one day to find similar in a hair salon, it's a real big ambition of mine! :)

    It's really nice when a woman tells you that you've totally passed as female, I can't think of any better compliment really...........



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  12. You might soon start to feel a small lump forming behind your nipples, as your breasts really start to bud. Some girls then experience growth for about 18 - 24 months at which point growth starts to slow down a bit or stop, but it doesn't always stop. However some girls who have gone all the way past GRS and taking HRT for 3-4 years or more are still relatively flat chested, but in all cases as Karen has alluded to, facial features noticably change, people tell me that mine have, but I didn't take any photo's because I never liked my face as a male, I regret not doing that now. I only have a couple of old crappy photo's as me as a male......................

    Changes of mood or moodswing if you prefer are relatively common, it's rather like being a teenager, one day child like the next more adult like and so forth. You have to realise that you have to go through female puberty, no matter what your cis age is.

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  13. Christie,

    I found that as soon as I had changed my name and was on homones I have been treated as female by medical staff. Yes, I got sent appointments for smear tests, breast screening etc., it made me laugh out loud, don't know how they'd do a smear test on me...................!

    Yes (or should I say no!) I can't say if I was happy as a male or not, but I do feel happier as female perhaps differently, depends on what or how we each construe or define as happiness........& that's getting too philosophical for me....

    Please post your performance links!



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  14. Thinking about it I did manage to get a speeding ticket, I was caught in a radar trap in Andorra the first time I ever ventured abroad, cost me about the equivilent of £45 then (1980ish), so it was a far amount, I wasn't going to argue with the police they have much bigger guns than the French..............I framed the speeding ticket and was quite proud of it at the time!

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