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Blog Comments posted by eveannessant

  1. Well that's lower than a normal males levels, however higher than a normal females. You might want to discuss and or ask your endo for intramuscular decapeptyl injections every 3 months, I've not known anyone over here complain about their effectiveness. Having said that it might otherwise just be a matter of time continuing with your existing blocker (I'm guessing cyproterone or spironolactone ?).Well anyway Christie you can google it and find out more, I'd also advise you to check costs it isn't particularly cheap at £207 a time over here.............but hey ho, nothing worth doing is ever easy.




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  2. Blair,

    I clicked that I like this, but I don't really, - I love it ! It shows how far transitioning has evolved, and also that for young people, who don't "feel right" in their bodies or attire, can do something about it, with full support from an enlightened and progressive school. How lucky you are to have such support. I guess that you must feel very liberated now that you don't have to carry a burdomesome secret any longer, being open and honest is so much easier.................as I found out after a 56 year struggle.

    I hope you have a lovely and fulfilling life for the future, being who you want to be, not who others think you should be.


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  3. It is nice to feel like you passed, but possibly even nicer to be accepted as transgender :)

    ​Well yes, I think you're right passing is a bit like hiding something really, when I come to think of it. I've hidden something for such a long time in my life, to know it's not at all nice keeping a secret. I guess that it's also a case of not having to worry at the back of your mind, you can be open and your true self. Fact is most people don't react negatively to me being transgender, if anything quite the opposite................

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  4. Which gender asked you the rude questions? hmmm, reading your reply I suspect male homo - ignoramus. Similar to Karen I've never been asked such personal questions........... were the questions from a co-worker or public no-body? No you don't have to get yourself in check, stand up for yourself, I think I'd probably have said something far worse........ Glad the rest of it seems to be on-track, but I do know what you mean about psychologists, and psychiatrists are worse believe me......... but if you are referred to ChX GIc they are overall a pretty friendly lot. please keep us posted.



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  5. That reminds me of being unwilling to go outside the front of my house if neighbours were about, and even tip toeing around the rear of the house to the rear of the garage when wearing heels, even though noone could see me ! How daft !

    I went out to one of our Libraries to do a H&S check for work recently, and I wore 5" heels with 1" platform soled Nine West ankle boots, the Library manager said "how do you walk in those heels, I can't wear anything more than 2 and a half inch heels". We both laughed at the situation where a cis woman was asking a trans woman such a female question ....................

    Encouragable?, yes you definately are...................

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  6. Yes, I have a brother and his family who have ignored me, my other brother and his family are fine with me. So hey ho it can happen to us all. Have fun travelling, it was a year ago that I started travelling on the trains, it was very liberating after I did it, but I was a little nervous doing it I recall !




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  7. I had no end of arguments with organisations about copies of Deed Poll (UK Name Change) Certificates, whereever possible if an organisation was being difficult with me I close my account, go to a competitor and open an account in my new identity. I know you can't do this with Government Departments, but I feel it's a matter of principle with commercial organisations. Having said that I did get my bank to compensate me for their mistakes, and they paid for my Deed Poll too!

    What have social security done or not done?, it might be me, but it's not totally clear to me from reading the entries.



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  8. Wow you've really gotten your foot on the acelerator now!, so glad that you're travelling to somewhere you want to go to and be. I'm so glad that I didn't have to do a call when I visibly transitioned (came out) at work, mine was done via an e-mailed letter.

    I remember the angst I felt about possibly the biggest decision of my life, but I reconciled myself with thinking, that for over 50 years I'd done my duty to society, by living a lie as a male. Surely I must have earned some time, (the remainder of my life) to be who I want to be, and that somebody was the real me

    As you say it's such a burden to keep on living a lie, it comes to the point where you can't carry on anymore.


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  9. Hi Christie,

    It's so refreshing to know that it's not just the UK that presents problems and procedures such as you've decribed. In my case when it was all completed I felt a real sense of relief and satisfaction that it was all over........................until the past couple of days when domestic energy companies starting writing to me in my former identity..........is this never ending? LoL :wub:



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  10. Hi Monica,

    I plan to get a second opinion from Dr Seal their Endocrinologist. Dr Barrett is viewed by many girls that have passed through ChX GIC as a real pain in the ass (polite term). I never take what I'm told as gospel unless it's corroborated by other qualified people. However I have been until recently what can be best described as a heavy drinker, but I rarely get drunk once or twice a year perhaps, I just like the taste of alcoholic drinks, I have never felt that they liberate me or that I need a drink or I'll die, I know that I have never been an alcoholic, and that I never will become one. Stopping drinking until mid December is a good plan for me anyway I need to lose weight 20lbs (UK) or thereabouts. People say that giving up booze helps this, after nearly 4 weeks I haven't noticed it at all, so far.

    So I don't really care what he say's he doesn't know for sure, and I am not scheduled to see him again anyway.



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  11. Yes, but that's officialdom for you, saying that officialdom allows you the freedom so that you can do things, but at the same time letting you know that it won't help you, because it's not accepted by officialdom, sound's a bit like Sir Humphrey Appelby in Yes Minister doesn't it?

    UK Deed Poll Service documents were fine and readily accepted by Passport Office and DVLA, don't forget to get your vehicle ownership details changed as well as your licence...........have fun and enjoy!

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  12. Dear James Esquire,

    I'm really glad that you're progressing, I changed my name to that given to me by my wife, via UK Deed Poll Service, and have had less trouble than when I tried to do it myself via an on-line free service. However it was a time of being frustrated by certain organisations......................I hope all goes smoothly for you sir.

    Have you seen Karen Paynes latest entry with a video clip about Transgender Through Time, it makes interesting watching because it gives equal coverage to F to M as it does to M to F. However it seems to have been made in the early Blair era, so although interesting, it doesn't reflect Transgender today, after all the legal changes regarding equality etc..

    You'll have to change the title of your blog to coming out of the darkness soon.!............



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  13. Karen, Thanks for posting this, Trans history is something that until now I was a bit hazey about. It shows a very bitter - sweet flavour to the struggle for acceptance and inclusion. I also see in the British sections of the history a very Male orientated view that is dismissive of Transexuals, as being unimportant freaks to be exposed. This is the societal conditioning that I have often referred to in my postings. It's absolutely amazing how the press and media in Britain sway public opinion, it leads me to think that the public are lazy and too idle to think for themselves, and so often they let the media do their thinking for them and hence control their sense of righteousness.

    In 2015 Britain is a different place, Transgendered (note the terminology has now changed) people are allowed to change their birth certificate after 2 yrs RLE even if they don't have GRS, and same sex marriage is now a fact of life. However there are still some die-hard bigots who'll never ever change their minds. Thank God I have never had to endure all that press sensationalism...............................

    I expect that you'd probably see some parrallels with this within parts of the USA.



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  14. Hmmm, funny I thought the same about tatoos, then changed my mind upon transitioning, but I still haven't gotten around to doing anything about it. I thought about something appropriate such as a butterfly, but then I started to think that, a grub or chrysallis might be more appropriate LoL......I'll perhaps get around to a butterfly or something next year.

    It's great that your husband has said that he'll support you on your "journey". As for working out that it's your body not his, it's societal conditioning that's caused that, be thankful that you've questioned that conditioning, it shows intelligence, and courage too.



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