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About ViBetaSCOT

  • Birthday 09/29/1959

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    • Khu  I have been married for 40 years to a tg mtf person and I love her more than the day I married her.Yes there are long relationships you have trust the person fully and hopefully will love you back and not care what gender you were before.Please feel free to talk to me if I can help you even if I only listen you will now know that you are not alone and you have a friend who will listen and help you through the tough times as well as the good. There is good out there. Hope to hear from you soon


                  Violet (Veronica is my wife)



  1. ViBetaSCOT

    HRT Update

    Good luck and let us how your doing? Hugs Veronica n violet
  2. Ren you are a beautiful person you might not see it but others do and you will get through this time.You are a beautiful man and its time to let the light of you into the world. Blessed Be and hugs Violet(veronica's wife)
  3. Hi Karen, Thanks for the reply and you two look like sisters I was an only child so someday I will have a sister too LOL DBH and Blessed Be. Hugs Violet
  4. Hi Karen, Very pretty. And so are the other lovely ladies. Veronica & I both are amazed at the your resemblance to a high school friend of ours. I asked about your friend being related to you. Veronica said no, they are just very close friends, "think of them like you and your cousin". I understand. Best of luck on your adventures Hugs, Violet
  5. wow your getting your boobs Congratulations and have faun and have fantastic work and my people surround you with love and support Love ViBett Scott. I am also I am married to Veronica" wifeWell more chatting to go too. we send our love and big HUGS Vibetascott
  6. Ren, I am glad to hear that you are doing well by the I am Vibetascott My house wife takes care of everything I do you would know her as Veronica. If you want to talk please feel free to call us. With lots of Huge HUGS ViBeta scott & Veronica
  7. Glad to see you with us Art ! See you around the webiverse ! :)
  8. If you know Veronica Beta, then you know my spouse! :) Working the profile up. Hope to chat soon. Vi Beta.

    1. Emma


      Welcome Vi Beta!

    2. MonicaPz


      ViBetaSCOT, welcome aboard!

    3. Ronnie Virga

      Ronnie Virga

      Hello Mistress ! :)

  9. If you know Veronica Beta, then you know my spouse! :) Working the profile up. Hope to chat soon. Vi Beta.

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