Hello Michael. Honey, Your Poem brought Me to tears. Michael, I've BEEN there, with ALL the Loneliness, and ALL the Sadness, that goes with it. Michael I have, in the Past, made 3 Serious Suicide Attempt's. ( I Definitely Am NOT going down that Road, ever Again. ). Michael, Loneliness is NOT Funny. Loneliness IS Horrible. Michael, I hope that You are NOT Lonely Now. Michael, You ARE Among Friend's here, as We ALL are here. If You would Like to Talk, at Any Time, if You P.M. Me, I would Be more than Happy, to give You My Mobile Phone Number. Michael, You have like ALL The Moderator's/Friend's here, Always been Kind to Me. Michael, You ARE A Gentleman ! Speak Soon Honey, and Take Care. With My Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. xxxx