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    Reading, writing, music, movies, science fiction... and cats!

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  1. OMG, are you my long-lost sister? I have the hardest time with a "normal" sleep schedule, and whenever I end up with a few days of vacation, I end up sliding back to my old "night owl" habits. Now I'm glad I can just blame evolution! -Sara
  2. Hi Ronnie, So glad to see you're hanging in there! All the best to both you and Vi, and CONGRATULATIONS on 42 years! That's awesome! And no worries, my friend, I have NEVER known you to be boring! Take care! -Sara
  3. Turnabout is fair play! Someday we'll find the portal to the parallel dimension that the dryers send all the socks to, and then our poor planet will be overrun with socks... all of them mismatched!
  4. Hi Briannah, It is a pleasure to meet you as well! I'm really happy to hear that this site has been so helpful to you, both with your relationship with Nikki and in other areas. I agree that it is important for partners to find support, and that is often difficult to find. I'm so glad you were able to find it here! This site has also been very helpful to me as I was working through things. We are fortunate that so many wonderful people visit here! I, too, wish everyone would learn that lesson about kindness and connection. The world would certainly be a better place. It's so heartening to hear that you and Nikki are growing closer, and that you are choosing to do so. Not everyone in the same situation would make the same choice. I always enjoy hearing about couples who decide they can still make their relationship work after one of the partners comes out as non-cis. Since so many marriages do not survive that type of revelation, it always warms my heart to see examples where the relationship endures, and even grows! I am sending both of you my best wishes! And beef is OK, but I *love* seafood! But not to worry, unless my financial situation changes significantly, I doubt I will ever be on a cruise, so I will never have to worry about being tempted by the lure of cheese mousse!
  5. Hi Briannah, I don't really know you (I have been away from the site for a while), but I just wanted to say... this post is beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing with us. I wish all the best to you and Nikki as you repair/rebuild your marriage. (Well, OK, the cheese mousse thing... maybe not so beautiful. But definitely everything else! )
  6. Sara17

    Top Surgery

    I'm a bit late, but congratulations on your surgery, Chrissy! I hope your recovery is continuing to go well!
  7. Sara17

    Coming out to family

    Hi Nicky, That's wonderful that things are going well, and that your parents are trying to be accepting. It's always nice when someone surprises us (in a good way) with their reaction. Sending you my wishes that everything continues to go well! Telling my parents is still on my list of things to do. They're not bible thumpers, but my dad is very much a bigot too. So I'm not really expecting it to go well, but maybe my parents will surprise me too!
  8. Sara17

    >100 Miles!

    Congratulations on this accomplishment, Emma!
  9. I don't know about the American Red Cross, but Canadian Blood Services has been pretty discriminatory in the past. Under Canadian Blood Services' policy, trans women are men Transgender blood donor turned away in Vancouver I don't know if things have improved recently or not. Monica, I don't mean to speak ill of your friend... but I am constantly amazed that there are actually people who still think this way.
  10. I was a bit worried when I read the title of this post, but was relieved when I found out you meant Pandora in the bracelet sense, rather than Pandora in the mythological sense! Happy (belated) birthday!
  11. Sara17

    The Papers

    Congratulations on getting your letter, Warren! (And that's great that the dog is feeling better, too!)
  12. Sara17

    Weekend goals...

    Hey, Veronica, you just need to figure out how to package up all that water and ship it to California. I hear they could use it!
  13. I guess that's sort of the double-edged sword of celebrity exposure. Anything that brings awareness to the general public is good, but the rich and famous live in such a different world than the rest of us that their experiences will not realistically reflect most peoples'. The CBC actually ran an article a couple days ago on that exact topic: Caitlyn Jenner's transition doesn't represent most transgender experiences Although we also shouldn't lose sight of the fact that Caitlyn felt the same pain we're all familiar with.
  14. Mikah, I know we all tend to be our own worst critics, but really, you look great! And apparently you enjoy BSG *and* Firefly, so you have great taste, as well! Glad to hear that you're feeling better. Best wishes and hugs to you! Sara
  15. Congratulations, Karen, and best wishes for a speedy recovery!
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