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    1. Dawn13


      So far so good!  Do like the changes.  Still simple to use but some good adds.  Photo loader is now working like it did in past. No need to resize photos.  I wonder if there is a way on the home page to show newest add? Be it photo or a new blog - maybe this is already there.  Thanks for this site - I can really be myself here.  Dawn


    2. Emma


      The Forums layout seems kind of odd to me. When it's first selected we see "Recent Status Updates," which is (at least to me) unrelated to the Forums, which is such an important component of the site. When I first navigated there I didn't realize that I needed to scroll down to the Forums. I'd suggest removing the "Recent Status Updates" from the Forums home page and move it elsewhere, perhaps to the Members.

  1. Hugs to you MichelleLea. The human condition isn't an easy path. Sometimes just knowing that other people care is the difference that keeps you putting one foot in front of the other. I'm so sorry for your loss and sadness. Hang in there.
  2. Lori

    Therapy sessions

    Let us know if you would like to be known by a new username that might be more suited to your true self. If so, just let us know what you would like that name to be and we can make it happen. Wishing you all the best!
  3. I think we go through phases in life. Throughout my adult life I've been pretty outgoing and active, up until recently. I used to travel at least every other month. Lately I've lost the travel bug and prefer to stay closer to home. I used to thrive on adventure and adrenaline rushes. I no longer need all that. These days I prefer to stay home with my domestic partner and spend time with family and friends and the farm animals. I still have a social life but it is narrowing. I wonder if that will change or if this is the new normal for me. Your post made me think about how I would react if I lost my partner. It seems to me as long as you're not isolated and chronically sad and lonely that you're doing fine. It's definitely good that you have family and friends. Who knows, maybe a social opportunity will present itself at some point in the future. You just never know. Wishing you all the best.
  4. Nice to hear the progress report. Congrats on your success!
  5. Lori

    My First Bra Fitting

    Reminds me when I stopped by one of those "free makeovers" at a Clinique booth in Macy's. $650 later I walked out with all sorts of moisturizers and toners and makeup. I never used most of it, to be honest, but it felt great to have that makeover and I left with a better idea of what works best for me. I eventually opted for lower priced makeup options.
  6. Lori


    There are some trans people (cisgender as well) that I don't care to be around because they become a spectacle everywhere they go, whether through appearance, mannerisms, speech or behavior. I agree we should be free to live our lives however we want, but the reality is different.
  7. Love the post! My own test of my inner courage to live life on my terms came at the shopping malls. I loved shopping (more back then than now) so the mall seemed a great way to get exposure and experience interacting with the public in a somewhat safe setting. I'm surprised I was never stopped by mall security because some days I would show up and just drive around, park and then drive around some more, trying to summon the courage to get out and go inside. In the early days I frequently failed but I kept at it. Eventually I made my way inside and slowly developed my confidence. I was terrified when anyone looked at me and especially when someone engaged me in conversation. Occasionally I was read and that was always emotionally devastating for me. I know, I shouldn't be so hard on myself, but it's a special gift I have -- to kick myself around for failure. There was some point along the way that I knew I had made it. Once I lost the fear and just became more confident the instances of being read were virtually eliminated.
  8. Monica, you are a WONDERFUL person! I'm grateful for your participation here at TGGuide. I hope you had a very happy birthday.
  9. Good luck Briannah! I'm preparing to place a house on the market. I'd rather wait for summer but a life situation is pushing for a faster sale. It is a rental property, so nobody worry about me being homeless. Hope all turns out well for your sale. ​
  10. It sounds to me that you're in a healthy place for now. That is probably good as you sort out who you really are. There may come a time when you're ready to open yourself up to someone else but no need to rush that. Haha, I can relate to the long, strange trip. It sure has been here too. As mentioned, I feel things here and there. My eyesight is getting gradually worse and my hearing isn't what it once was. All in all, life is pretty good though. Best to you in the new year.
  11. That reminds me of an interesting book I read on the topic of sales " The Go-Giver."
  12. Lori

    My past

    Your story reminds me of an older woman I met when I was in high school. By that time I had repressed my true identity and was in full denial. I came to find out this woman was transgender and that she had a sex change. Sadly, I distanced myself from her when I should have befriended her. I sure needed a friend back then that I could confide in. It was about 15 years later that I'd find another such friend and begin to openly discuss my gender identity. ​ Thank you for sharing.
  13. Big hugs to you Emma. We all go through emotional struggles and the holidays can intensify those emotions for many of us. It's just fine to have a moment where you're not "all together." I have plenty of those times. Love the beautiful cat! They make great companions.
  14. It's good to hear from you Michele. Wow, that is quite a list of life events. Hang in there. Live and enjoy your life. ​ Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
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