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  • Lori

    Transgender Bloggers Wanted: Share Your Journey

    By Lori

    Create your own blog at TGGuide.com. It's FREE and you can start right now. Some people blog as a sort of journal to share our thoughts, feelings, experiences and insights. Others blog to express opinions on social and political issues. Others blog to share their knowledge and experience with others. Go ahead. Express yourself! Others may be grappling with issues you blog about and your words could provide useful insight or answers. Here are some blog topic ideas to get your creative juices f

Once Upon A Time..... A Lesson Was Taught And Learned

Once upon a time, there was a foolish traveler who had gone on a journey. Why was he foolish? Well, because he was fooled by everyone he met! Everywhere he went, people made up all kinds of sad stories to tell him, and the traveler fell for every one of them. Please, some money for medicine… ? I have a sick younger sister… I don’t have money to buy seeds to plant in my fields. Pretty soon, his money, his clothes, even his shoes had been cheated away from


Blackangel in Blackangel Happenings

Reality of Hate

"I Am Jazz."  I've never watched the show.  A few days ago, I saw a commercial for, I guess, the new season.  Jazz mentions that she's gained a bit of weight.  I glanced up at the TV and thought to myself, "she's grown into a pretty young lady." Sitting at the computer and drawing tonite, I took a minute to flip thru the on-screen TV guide to see if there was anything on better than what was on the current channel.  I decided to check out TLC.  I noticed that "I Am Jazz" was going to come o


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The times they are a changing! 🎶

After popping down for another session of electrolysis, making it the 3rd week in a row, this time I was lying on the table for 5.5 hrs and did not leave the spa until twenty to one in the morning. I was up at 8am for parkrun so neither of us was getting much sleep. Before the visit I popped into the closest decent sized chemists and tried to get my estradiol prescription filled. The pharmacist passed a comment about my address and I said I spent most of my weekends down here so it was easi


ScottishDeeDee in Family

What a wonderful week!

Ten hrs of electrolysis, unexpectedly getting my ears pierced. Buying the first binder for my NB child and feeling so happy when they told me that they feel comfortable talking to me about gender stuff, and then this afternoon I was given the ok to start HRT. My prescription will get sent to my house and then I can get it filled anywhere I like!!! Tonight after seeing a colleague tweet that they were an ally and a safe space on Nationalcomingoutday I sent them a wee message saying I was tra


ScottishDeeDee in GIC

HRT Prep and trying to use my female voice

So yesterday I travelled down the road for an appointment at the GIC to get my weght and bloods taken in preparation for an appointment this coming Monday when I will hopefully get the go ahead to start HRT.   I had a friend and my son with me so they got to witness the process of me wearing my Dee clothes under a baggy hoody to leave the house and then finishing the transformation in a layby.   I dropped my friend off near his house and my son and I chatted while we waited i


ScottishDeeDee in GIC

Non-binary option

Just an update on how things are going, it's been so long since I've been online here! I've been working through that book by Dara Hofmann-Fox, and it's been super helpful. It's gotten me to start exploring non-binary options, which may be a good place for me to be on the gender spectrum. I've been going out dressed as me a bit. Went to a coffee shop for the first time ever to meet up with a trans friend, and we both brought our spouses. It felt so good to be myself in public! But pretty nerve w


Emilyruns in Non-binary

Over the moon!

I have just finished my 3rd video meeting with the psychologist in Sandyford clinic. This is the part that most smaller Gender Identity Clinics in Scotlaand have no say over and there have been 3 months between each apppointment.  I have dressed as myself the entire time, but oh how times have changed!  The first meeting I remember having a chair against the door in case my son got back from school while I was on the call, this time he is off school isolating and sitting watching TV an


ScottishDeeDee in Counselling


About six months ago my job changed from writing enterprise web applications to now teaching seasoned developers to transition to another ecosystem. While doing this I was asked by a magazine (well a friend recommended me) to do a write up on something that is well worth knowing yet not many have written about. Can't point to the article as its for subscribers only.    


KarenPayne in Published

I wish the mind was elastic

My memory is so short and weak it’s mind boggling. I know that I will lose my train of thought and forget what I’m talking about several times in this post. I can remember next to nothing as I have no immediate and very little short term memory. The only things I can ever recall are things I would much rather forget. I wish my mind was elastic so it could stretch further. Because at the point it’s currently stretched to, it’s about to snap. Every time I speak these days, I screw up everything I’

Another disease to add to the list

I've had an open sore in my armpit for about 2 months now. Dermatology has, until a couple days ago, been unable to explain it. Finally I saw a different dermatologist, and was able to get a diagnosis. I have an autoimmune disease called pyoderma gangrenosum, or PG for short. It's a disease that attacks the skin and opens up ulcers that are extremely painful. Having had to experience it, I can definitely say that they are painful. If I move my right arm at the shoulder, it feels like the skin is

Terminology & Time

The above posts came from the thread "International Journal of Transgenderism."  I remember when the term "transgender" really got rooted in here at TGG.  Years later, I found out the term was much older, having been coined back in the mid '70's, though if I recall correctly...it was not used as an "umbrella" under which everyone not straight and cisgender would gather.  Instead, it was thought that the general public would be more accepting of a term that didn't include the word "sex," an


UsernameOptional in .

Facebook tips

Before and after surgeries I used the same Facebook profile, changed my handle and did the following which I consider tips for those who are transitioning When Facebook suggest reposting old post, review comments first for any references to your old identity e.g. someone said "Hey Kevin" while now I'm Karen, get the hint. Move old identity photos to a hidden folder or delete them. I elected to place the photos into a hidden folder. Now I do realize many will elect to have o


KarenPayne in Facebook

My Family Is Beautiful

I'm not sure what is making me post this blog entry, but I just have to. I want to talk about my family. There are 6 people. That's all the family I have.   I'll start with my wife, Adrianne. She found me when I was just a couple months clean. She has done more for me than she honestly should have. She takes care of me in ways that I never could have thought someone would. She has been my rock for 17 years come October. She supports me in everything I do and everything I am. i hav

Fantasia Fair Has Extended Their Early Bird Fee Until The End of June . . .

Dear Friends, Have found a roommate on Fantasia Fair's Facebook page. But now for the better news . . . I just learned today that Fantasia Fair is extending their early bird rate of $510.00 for the week until the end of June! You can pay half to lock in the special price, but, instead of paying half, you can ask them to break it up into thirds. They will be meeting in beautiful Provincetown MA from Sunday, October 17th to Sunday, October 24th. Some meals are included. Please

Telling my Teenage Children

This weekend I have finally told my children that I am transgender. It has been emotionally exhausting, but overall pretty much what I expected. My daughter is 13, diagnosed with Autism and my son is 14 and also diagnosed with Autism, they are both in mainstream school, both have ADHD and are both very different people. My daughter is extremely creative, and my son is extremely structured and likes routines and stability. So.... My daughter called me midweek asking my views on the

Second meeting with my Psychologist

Today was my 2nd Sandyford appointment. Sandyford is the gender clinic that has to confirm a gender dysphoria diagnosis in order for me to be prescribed hormone treatment. This time the whole thing was far more relaxed and seemed a lot less confrontational.  I wrote my in depth thoughts here: https://ironicissues.wordpress.com/2021/06/07/sandyford-2-this-time-its-personal/ if you want to know what we talked about, or even know my thoughts as I write most weeeks. Effectively though

Finally told my mum

Well, I finally did it! Over lunch yesterday my mum asked about how my counselling was going, so I took a deep breath and told her that there was a lot of really big stuff that had come about, I'd realised that so much of my adult life had been spent trying to be what other people wanted me to be that I had no idea who I was.. and after a lot of searching I'd realised that I have never been comfortable as a man and the right word for me was transgender. I did not  know if she would understa


ScottishDeeDee in Coming Out

Need A Roommate (Female) For Fantasia Fair . . .

Dear Friends, Have a double King Size bedded room at The Boat Slip Resort while I attend the Fantasia Fair from Sunday, October 17th to Sunday, October 24th. Seeking a platonic female roommate. To learn more about Fantasia Fair and The Boat Slip Resort, check it out by Googling "Fantasia Fair." Please drop me a PM to learn more. Thank you for considering me as your roommate. Yours truly, Monica            

New 'Do

It's been just over four years since I left my home in California and started exploring my transition: where was I under the trans umbrella? Over a couple of years I realized that I'm firmly on the far end of the spectrum. And while I was always pleased with my progress I still harbored a lot of baggage. I'm so glad to say that as of about six months ago that burden is relieved and my life has never been better.  This morning I was contemplating: why was that baggage so hard to live with an


Emma in Category Name

Its been a while

Have not been here for a while. Been working almost everyday assisting people with COVID relief as I work for Oregon Employment department. This week is the first time I've turned on my personal laptop since last March, What prompted coming back here is just a simple update and thoughts on my progress. I think in the past year or so my transition is only thought about when I hear or see something on television. Otherwise I never think about my transition. Been really bad about dil


KarenPayne in Time

Being Seen

I often wonder whether or not I am doing the right thing The realisation and accpetance that I am trans and living and moving in the wrong social circles has stopped a lot of the huge feelings of self doubt and uncertainty that I have lived with for most of my life. I know that transitioning for me is not because I could not continue to live the way I am now. I have always found a way to keep on placing one foo


ScottishDeeDee in Mood

The way its aye been

This may not be as much of a big deal for anyone outside of the UK but I needed to work out my thoughts and I think the world is predominantly Patriarchal.   In the UK since International Womens day and the horrific news story of Sarah Everard being murdered (and subsequently a police officer being arrested for it) my news feeds have been absolutely filled with women talking out about the systemic violence and abuse that they suffer at the hands of men, some talked about curfews for me


ScottishDeeDee in Mood

Broken Mirrors

I don’t know what the purpose of this post is. Maybe none. I don’t know who, what, or where I am anymore. I look in the mirror for help, but there is no one looking back at me. I don’t know how to make sense of what’s going through my head nonstop. A little further. Stop. Turn around. Stop. Full steam ahead. Stop. Where the hell do I go if none of those directions are fulfilling? Who am I? I wish by the Gods I could answer that. Am I the same loser I always was from my first memory until th
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