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About Steph53

  • Birthday 12/20/1961

Contact Methods

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    stephaniejaynesusanmaycock@gmail.com OR stephaniejaynesusanmaycock@outlook.com OR stephaniejaynesusanmaycock@aol.com
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    I Love My Gorgeous Girlfriend - Elsa. We Both Love spending time with Our Family Cat's. Other Interests, include Lingerie, clothes, being feminine, shopping, wearing perfume; music of all kinds; coffee ( I Live on it sometimes ! ) I Love Socialising, and I Am A Very Sociable Girl. We Love Living in Our Beautiful Village, near Chesterfield, in North-East Derbyshire, in The North-Midlands of England, in The United Kingdom.

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  1. Hiya DeeDee. How Great You Look Honey !! DeeDee, it is Over 5 1/2 Year's, since I started My Own Transition, and a few day's short of 9 Month's, since I had My Vaginoplasty Surgery ! DeeDee, If You need Someone to talk to, or if You would just like a chat, I Am here Honey. ( I met My Gorgeous Girlfriend - Elsa, through TGGuide ! ). I Am also on Facebook; Instagram; and Messenger; using My Own Name too !! DeeDee, TGGuide, is the one place, that I was able to find information; advice; and support; when I started My Transition ! DeeDee, Be Happy Honey, because You Deserve to Be Happy, as We All Deserve to Be Happy ! DeeDee, Monica; Emma; Mike; Gennee; and All the Team here at TGGuide, have been Lovely to Me. ( I have Not posted on here for a while, and I Really should start posting on here again ! ) DeeDee, Have A Fantastic Weekend Honey, and the Same goes go Monica; Mike; Emma; Gennee; and All the Folk's on here ! Please, With this COVID-19 Coronavirus, Everyone Stay Well; Stay Safe; And Take Care ! With Our Love, And Our Very Best Wishes, Stephanie And Elsa. xxxx
  2. Hiya Michele, and Emma, and Monica. Michele and I do converse elsewhere, as well as on here, and We can talk quite openly. Michele, You have already blossomed into the most Beautiful Butterfly ! If People do Not see You, for the Beautiful Young Lady, that You already are, then they must be blind ! You are a Terrific Young Lady, and someone Who I Am Very Proud, to call My Friend !! Emma, You are also doing Fabulously. I too have got to get Laser or Electrolysis, done on My Face ! ( I was about to sort it out, when I had A Cancer Scare, and I was having Scan's, and other Medical Appointment's ! Fortunately, I have been given " The All Clear " !! What a Relief, that was !! ). Monica, Everyone is a Different Shape and Size, to each other ! The Motto of My Comment is, That We ARE All Different, but, there are so many similarities between US as well ! All 4 of Us, have known Each Other on here, for quite some time now, indeed I have been on TGGuide since Mid--July, 2015, and this is A Wonderful Community, and the 3 of You, are so Lovely to Know ! Enjoy the Rest of Your Day Girl's, Take Care Girl's because I Care, And My Very Best Wishes, And Lots of Love Girl's, Stephanie. ( Steph53 ).
  3. Steph53

    My Transition

    Hiya Monica. There Is A Very Old, but, True saying:- " You Can Choose Your Friend's, but Sadly, You Cannot Choose Your Family !! Your Friend's However, ARE The Family, Who You Can Choose For Yourself !! " I have A Very Large Extended Blood Family. However, I see My Oldest Son, and My Youngest Son, together, for 2 hour's, just once a month ! I have seen My Middle Son, just 3 times, in a few day’s short of a. Year and a half ! My Now estranged Wife, is Unfortunately, the only other Person I see ! However, I have made a lot of Friend's, since I started My Transition ! They are more of A Family, than My Blood Family, has Ever Been ! Monica, it is so Very Sad, when A Family force somebody to live a lie. This was partly why I did Not start My Transition, until aged 53. However, I do Not look back. Apart from A Recent Cancer, I Am Much Happier and More Contented, than I have ever been before ! Monica, I hope that You also manage to find someone, Sweetheart. Monica, and Emma, and Elsa, Be Happy All of You !! Ladies, Take Care, because I Care, Big Hugs, And My Very Best Wishes, Love Stephanie. ( Steph53 ). xxxx
  4. Steph53

    My Transition

    Hiya Elsa. I don't Know if You are in the U.K. or U.S.A. !! I Am Stephanie, A 56 Year Old Trans'Female, and I AM in the U.K. I Am now over 3 Year's into My Transition, and I told My Now Estranged Wife, on the Evening of 30th. April, 2015; ( was aged 53 ), and I went the following Morning, ( 1st. May, 2015 ); and Bought loads of Underwear, and Clothes, and Nightwear, and I went Home, and I got changed into My New Clothes, then I went up to London, to Long Tall Sally, to buy Shoes. I went and told My Doctor's ( 67 Day's into My Transition, ) and they contacted The Gender Identity Clinic up in London, that Very Day, ( 25th. June, 2015). I have already had 3 appointment's at The G.I.C. Elsa, You Should try and find an L.G.B.T. Organisation, or Group, near where You live ! It is something that I Have done, and I Now have a Fairly Good support Network around Me ! You DO need a Support Network ! If You would like to contact Me at all, Please feel free to do so ! If You look at My Profile, it will tell You More ! If I can be of any Help. Or Advice, I will be. Elsa, Good Luck Young Lady. I hope that Everything goes Really Well for You ! Take Care Honey, And My Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. (Steph53 ). xx
  5. Hiya Michele. You Look So Much Better Now Sweetheart. You Really have turned into such A Very Pretty; Beautiful; and Gorgeous; Young Lady. Please Honey, do Not let Anyone, tell You Any Different. Michele, I Am glad that We are getting and expanding Our Friendship, especially via Messenger Honey. You ARE A Really Terrific Girl. Take Care Honey, And My Very Best Wishes, And Lots of Love, Stephanie. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  6. Hiya Michele. I agree with Monica. Your Beauty, and Your Warmth of Character, radiate from the Inside Out ! You at 38, ARE still Young ! You Only have one chance of Life. Take that chance, and enjoy it Young Lady ! I will explain on Messenger, the Reason's behind My Full Name ! Sweetheart, the way that You spell Your Name's, are Special, and Unique, and Individual to You. Enjoy Your Individuality, because You ARE A Lovely Girl !! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  7. Hiya Michele. All that I CAN say about Your Photograph, IS Wow ! Wow! Wow ! You look Absolutely Stunning Sweetheart ! Also, what a Pretty Dress Babes ! You Definitely do NOT look BAD. You look Wonderful Young Lady. If You go onto My Facebook Page, of Stephanie Maycock, You will find a good number of Photograph's of Me. The one's with My Hair nice and long, are the Most Recent. Most of them, have been Taken at Pink Punters ( Lesbian; Gay; Bi--Sexual; Transgender;) Nightclub !! They were taken by the Official club Photographer's !! Michele, You ARE a Gorgeous Girl. Now stop selling Yourself short !! Keep Smiling, because You have got a Very Sweet Smile !! Take Care Honey, Love and Very Best Wishes Babes, Stephanie. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  8. Steph53

    My inner battle, Elsa v William

    Hiya Ladies. Long before I started on My MtoF Transition journey, I had shaken hand's with " The Black Dog " !! I made 3 Serious Suicide Attempt's, namely Tuesday, 16th. August, 1988; Early November, 1992; and Early February, 1996; and I Really AM Very Lucky, to still be alive !! The Decision to Actually start Transitioning, for Me Personally, was Definitely the Correct one. I Am just over 3 Year's into My Transition, and about 6 1/2 Month's on Hormones. I Am a lot Happier, and a lot Calmer. My Emotion's have changed Massively, and the Hormones are Definitely having a major effect Physically as well !! I could Never, Ever, De--Transition, and why would I want to ? I Am under the Gender Identity Clinic in London, which is Known as the Charing Cross Gender Identity Clinic, or CHX--GIC, as it gets shortened to ! I hope to have My Gender Reassignment Surgery, carried out in Summer/Autumn, 2019. If any of You would like to talk with Me, then Please feel free to do so, but, I will only give details or advice, based on My Own Personal Experiences. As I said to Michele earlier on, I Officially; Legally; changed My Name, by U.K. Deed Poll, in a One--Hour; Express--Service; on My 55th. Birthday, which was My Birthday Present to Myself. I hope that this insight, might be of help to some of You. Take Care Ladies, And My Very Best Wishes to You All, Stephanie. ( Steph53. ).
  9. Hiya Michele. You look Younger than 37 Babes. Your hair is Really Lovely Sweetheart. I Am 56, so I Am getting Old !! L.O.L. !! Michele, age is just a number, and You are Young; Pretty; and Beautiful; and You have still got the rest of Your Life, ahead of You ! Enjoy Your Life, Young Lady, because We only get one go at Life, and You are Young enough to enjoy it !! Enjoy the rest of Your Day, and Take Care. With Love and Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. ( Steph53.).
  10. Steph53

    Great weekend

    Hiya Karen. Good on You Honey. Firstly out Driving, and then being hit on by 2 Guy's Twice. Karen, You cannot blame Them Babes, because You are A Gorgeous Young Lady. Karen, It Is Always Great to hear from You Sweetheart. Keep Smiling, Take Care Honey, And My Very Best Wishes, Love Stephanie. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  11. Hiya Emma. I Am Here, My Darling, To Wish You Bon Voyage. It Is a Long Time, since I was on here, but, that Will Not be the case any more. Emma, I Am So Sorry, to hear about Your Divorce Honey. Emma, Your Marriage, is Not the Only One, whose Marriage has died. I Am Now Officially Separated. Also, I have been Fully; Full-Time; MtoF; Transitioning; for just 12 Day's Short of 2 Year's Now. I have Officially; Legally; Changed My Name, to Stephanie, in the Last 4 Month's. Emma, I Know, that You ARE travelling, all round the Country, with Winnie Minnie. Enjoy the Journey's. Emma Take Care Honey, And My Very Best Wishes, Big Hugs, With Lots Of Love, Stephanie. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  12. Hiya Michele. How Are You Darling Girl ? Okay Honey, I Hope ! Michele, Congratulations, on Your Orchiectomy Darling. I hope that You are healing up Okay, Sweetheart. Michele, I Am Very Proud of You Young Lady. I have told You before, and I Will tell You Again, that You ARE a Very Pretty; Beautiful; Gorgeous; Young Lady ! Michele, I Really hope that Life is Good for You Babes. Look After Yourself Sweetheart, and I hope to hear from You soon Love. Take Care Honey, And My Very Best Wishes, Love Stephanie. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  13. Hiya Blair Jamie. Sweetheart, I AM Not going to Judge You, in Any Way, or Shape, or Form Young Lady. I Congratulate You, for the fact that You are looking to go into Detox. Babes, I AM So glad, that You and Your Sister's, have Come-Back together, as a Close-Unit. I Hope that Your Transitioning is going Okay now Honey. Blair Jamie, I Am unable to run at All, due to Osteo-Arthritis, but, I do try to Walk, as much as My Body will allow Me to. Good on You for doing Your Run's though. Please Keep In Touch Honey, and if You would like to talk Privately Honey, Please feel free to P.M. Me. Blair Jamie, Good Luck , Take Care Young Lady, With Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. xx
  14. Steph53


    Hello Michael. Honey, Your Poem brought Me to tears. Michael, I've BEEN there, with ALL the Loneliness, and ALL the Sadness, that goes with it. Michael I have, in the Past, made 3 Serious Suicide Attempt's. ( I Definitely Am NOT going down that Road, ever Again. ). Michael, Loneliness is NOT Funny. Loneliness IS Horrible. Michael, I hope that You are NOT Lonely Now. Michael, You ARE Among Friend's here, as We ALL are here. If You would Like to Talk, at Any Time, if You P.M. Me, I would Be more than Happy, to give You My Mobile Phone Number. Michael, You have like ALL The Moderator's/Friend's here, Always been Kind to Me. Michael, You ARE A Gentleman ! Speak Soon Honey, and Take Care. With My Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. xxxx
  15. Hiya Bree. The Bar where My Photograph was taken, is The Attic Bar, which also has a chill-out area, and also a Pink-Room, where You can do Your Make-Up, Re-Style Your Hair, and so many People use The Pink-Room, for taking selfie's. L.O.L. Your Photo's in the P.M. area Bree, are Lovely. You two ARE such a Lovely Couple. I bet You'll Both have fun, with the hair-dyeing again. For Nikki's first time of Bleaching Your Hair, Wow ! He has done a Superb Job. Nikki - Well Done ! Bree and Nikki, You are Very-Well-Loved here at TGGuide, Both of You. You have Both come such a long way, since You first joined, and You have supported so many other's already. Good on You, and Thank You Very Much. Bree and Nikki, I Know that You have Both, got Great Senses of Humour as well. Take Care, Keep Smiling, Big Hugs, And My Very Best Wishes, Love Stephanie. xxxxxxxx
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