Be Careful Who You Hate

Be Careful Who You Hate by Lori Wynn, Webmaster and Staff Writer at

Facebook reactions to our "Be Careful Who You Hate" meme.
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Be Careful Who You Hate. It could be someone you love. Sometimes, the people we think we know best have hidden aspects of their lives that they’re afraid to share. By spreading love and acceptance, we create a world where everyone can be their true selves without fear. Let’s make empathy and kindness our first response and build a community where every person feels seen, respected, and loved.

This was a message of positivity and support posted on TGGuide’s Facebook page. While many responded positively, we also received a significant amount of backlash from people largely based on religious and hetero-normative views. See the screenshot below. After less than 24 hours online this meme post received 23 laughing emojis and 5 angry emojis. But it got worse in the comments. While disheartening, perhaps this response provides a teachable moment. In any event, it is important to address the broader implications of these negative reactions.

Facebook meme reactions

A Response to the Trans Hate

This message was posted in response to the hate in the hope that somehow, some people will open their minds and understand that not everyone is going to be just like them.

“We created this meme as a simple and potentially life-saving message. But like moths to a flame, the bigots came, trolling with their disgusting responses. I deleted the first few but I’ll leave the remainder so their words and actions may speak for themselves. I’d like to think this could be a teachable moment but it probably isn’t. More children will commit suicide because they don’t feel loved and accepted. More young adults will turn to addiction and self-destructive behavior. No matter how much some of these people want a homogeneous society of straight, religious zealots, or whatever they want; that’s not reality. We all have a choice to make. I urge you to choose empathy, kindness, love and acceptance. You may make a profound difference in the life of someone you love.” ~ TGGuide Staff

It Opens Your Eyes to the Hate

This backlash is a stark and eye-opening reminder of the deep-seated hate and lack of acceptance that still pervades our society. The vehement opposition to a simple message of love and understanding underscores the ongoing struggles faced by the transgender community. The vitriol directed at our efforts to promote empathy reflects a broader societal issue. If it seems like there is a war against transgender people, you are not entirely wrong. There are many fine people who support the rights of the transgender community. However, it is undeniable that the hostility we experienced is part of a larger pattern of discrimination and prejudice within our society.

One guest posted an interesting observation about the homogeneous nature of those posting the hateful messages. They do seem to share some similar characteristics. It’s almost as if they were fortunate enough to be part of a majority who has enjoyed great privileges throughout their lives. But let’s not get too far into the weeds.

Misguided Responses and Their Impact

The harsh feedback we received highlights a significant issue: the lack of understanding and empathy towards the LGBTQ+ community. It would be a much better world if more people realize that our words and actions have profound effects on those around us, especially on vulnerable youth. Studies have shown that LGBTQ+ youth face higher rates of depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation compared to their heterosexual peers. When met with rejection and bigotry, the risk of these outcomes increases dramatically.

Bigotry Hiding Behind Religion

Of course the usual religious zealots were posting biblical cause for their bigotry. There are many wonderful people of faith who understand that the Bible and other religious doctrines teach love, compassion, and acceptance. Using religion as a shield for bigotry goes against these fundamental principles. We reject hatred disguised as religious piety and embrace love and understanding — the true essence of Christianity and other religions known to us.

Bigotry hidden behind religion.

A Call for Empathy and Understanding

It is unlikely that the people who need to hear this message will come across it here on a transgender resource site.  But just in case, imagine if the person you directed hate towards was your own child, grandchild or loved one. Imagine the pain and isolation they would feel. These are not hypothetical scenarios. Many families have lost loved ones because of their inability to accept and understand differences. By creating an environment of love and acceptance, we can help prevent such tragedies.

Research shows that supportive environments significantly reduce the risk of mental health issues and suicides among LGBTQ+ youth. Acceptance from family, friends, and community members can make a world of difference. It is not about compromising beliefs but about extending empathy and understanding to those who need it the most.

Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love: Because All Family Members Matter

Be careful who you hate. It could be your own child. Unconditional love is especially critical for children, particularly those who may have internalized feelings of “being different.” These children often struggle silently, grappling with confusion and fear about their identities. When they face judgment or rejection, the emotional toll can be devastating. Unconditional love provides a safe and nurturing environment where children feel valued and accepted for who they are. It improves their self-esteem, encourages open communication, and empowers them to embrace their true identity without fear of condemnation. In a world that can be harsh and unkind, the unwavering support and acceptance at home from parents and loved ones can make all the difference in a child’s life.

Moving Forward Together

The backlash we received to our meme is a stark reminder of the work that still needs to be done. We will continue to advocate for a more inclusive and compassionate society. Remember, the person you hate could indeed be someone you love. Let’s choose love over hate and understanding over ignorance. We urge everyone, regardless of your belief systems, to reflect on the impact of their words and actions. Embrace the values of empathy, kindness, and understanding. It’s not just about supporting the LGBTQ+ community; it’s about creating a world where everyone can live authentically and without fear.