Cross Dressing Guide
Transgender Guide’s Lori Wynn Interviews Author Jamie Young
By Lori Wynn, Webmaster of
Meet Jamie Young
Author of the World’s Best Cross Dressing Guide
I am here with Jamie Young, author of The World’s Best Cross Dressing Guide. Jamie’s guide is causing quite a buzz and is being widely regarded as the ultimate how-to guide for everyone in the MtF transgender community including cross dressers, transsexuals and other gender variant folks. I first learned of this publication from a pre-op transsexual friend who was preparing for her full-time transition. She had downloaded Jamie’s guide and spoke very highly of the layout and ease of use. Her early transition was remarkable so I had to check it out for myself.
I reviewed the e-book and found that it was well written and indexed for easy reference. This publication indeed should be used as a reference guide and reviewed often to brush up on the finer points of passing in public.
After reviewing The World’s Best Cross Dressing Guide I contacted Jamie to arrange to offer her guide to our visitors at The Transgender Guide. We began talking and quickly became friendly. Jamie agreed to do an interview to let us get to know her better.
Interview with Jamie Young, Author of The World’s Best Cross Dressing Guide
Jamie, Thank you for taking the time to chat with us here at The Transgender Guide.
Will you tell us how you identify yourself along the transgender continuum (ie. crossdresser, transvestite, transgender, pre-op, post-op, etc)?
Ha! It is an interesting question. I consider myself a transvestite and a transgender because not only I prefer to wear women’s clothes I also feel that I have been born with the wrong genitalia. Although I was going to be on feminization hormone not very long ago, the thought of having children of my own some day changed my mind. Therefore, I guess I can’t really call myself a pre-op since I currently don’t plan to obtain sexual reassignment surgery, at least not any time soon. 🙂
You’re so gorgeous. Many of us want to know how long you have been crossdressing. How did it all begin?
You know. When I was eight years old, I was just like many boys. I had toys like miniature trucks, cowboy hats and action figures like Batman and Superman. My younger sister was lucky because she had stuffed animals and Barbie dolls. I remember what I often did was I would put one of my sister’s Barbie dolls in an imaginary situation where the villain captured her and my Batman would come to her rescue. However, unlike most boys, I imagined myself as the Barbie, not the Batman. I guess that was when I discovered I was different. Then when I was twelve years old, I would take my mother’s clothes from her closet and prance in front of the mirror in them.
What’s it like to be able to pass anytime, anywhere?
So, what is it like to be able to go out anywhere you want and be accepted as an ordinary (and beautiful) woman?
My early attempts at passing were during my puberty years. I was a pretty skinny kid and had a feminine face and long hair. Passing was not much trouble. I attended a school where boys and girls had to wear uniforms. What I did was I would “borrow” my sister’s uniform blouse and skirt and wear them in the public. No one could tell I was in the wrong uniform. Once, I even attempted to pass at the beach by wearing just a one-piece bathing suit that belonged to my mother. I had to hide my bulge really well and I was extremely worried about that people would notice I had something down there. I remember the cold water really helped.
However, during my early attempts at passing, I was read a few times because my voice was changing. Nowadays, I still remain very passable because I maintain my figure well. It is nice to be able to pass, you know, because no one would hassle me when I go out in public.
Please share a little background information about yourself. For example; where you are from, your academic and professional background and personal interests.
I am from Toronto, Ontario. I have been working with the transgender community for over three years now. My academic background includes psychology, criminology and liberal arts. My professional background includes image consulting, acting and film making. I love dancing, music, movies, romance novels, yoga and Tai Chi.
You have some unique qualifications. Will you share how this helped in your creation of the World’s Best Cross Dressing Guide?
I have been studying women’s fashions for a long time and I have always been interested in observing human behavior. Therefore, by constantly examining and comparing other people’s appearances and the ways they behave, I began to come up with a long list of “do’s and don’ts” to help me with my dressing. For example, I learned that a real woman does not dress like a streetwalker with heavy makeup when she shops at her local supermarket.
There are some bonus features you’ve added to the guide that add tremendous value for readers. Will you give our members a glimpse of what kind of tips and resources are included in your guide and in the added bonus materials?
Yes, my book covers enormous techniques and tricks so it saves its readers from struggling through many unnecessary trials and errors. Also, my other four titles, “How to Find Your Female Voice Handbook,” “About Feminizing Hormonal Therapy,” “Online & Offline Resources For The Transgendered,” and “Changing Your Identity Report” contain many resources and lots of information and they help the readers to look as feminine and passable as possible.
A Special Insight of The World’s Best Cross Dressing Guide for TGGuide Members
I have extracted the tables of content from my guide and the added bonus materials for anyone who is interested in what my books have to offer. You may view them via the following links.
NOTE: These pages will pop up in a new window as PDF files so you can return here to finish reading this interview.
Crossdressing Guide Table of Contents (pdf)
Female Hormones Table of Contents (pdf)
Female Voice Table of Contents (pdf)
Identity Change Table of Contents (pdf)
Transgender Resource Guide Table of Contents (pdf)
What kind of feedback are you getting from readers of your guide? It must be exciting to hear back from readers who find success using your advice. Have you heard many success stories?

Yes, I do receive a lot of positive feedback from the readers. My book “The World’s Best Crossdressing Guide” has helped many of its readers to enhance their passability as women. I’ve actually had someone who told me that he was able to fool his own mother into believing he was some girl whom her own son was dating.
You are uniquely qualified to write about transgender topics. Do you have any new projects in the works?
Yes, I am currently working on a book that provides lots of information and resources on gender reassignment. I am also planning to work on a book that provides information on how to secure employment for crossdressers who want to be en femme full time.
Many in the transgender community experience anxiety, stress and frustration with their attempts to pass in public. What advice do you have for those who are just beginning or those who are struggling to achieve a passable feminine persona?
Creating a feminine face is the most important part for an individual to pass as a female. You must have seen women in men’s clothes who try to talk and act like men. However, since their faces are still feminine, you will never perceive them as men. What I am trying to say is that it does not matter what you wear if your face does not pass. Also, you must pay attention to what real women wear in public and learn from them because you would rather “blend in” instead of drawing a lot of attention to yourself. You don’t want to dress like a showgirl who is about to go on stage or a girl who just came from her prom.
Also, realistic expectation is very important. If you act, talk and even look like Arnold Schwarzenegger, you cannot expect to turn into supermodel Heidi Klum by flipping a switch. Keep in mind that women come in all shape and sizes, so you must create your own passable feminine persona.
Addressing the Privacy Concerns of Cross Dressers
Privacy is important for the transgender community. Can you tell us how you safeguard the privacy of buyers of the World’s Best Cross Dressing Guide?
My books are available as digital downloads so nothing will be delivered through the mail. Your privacy is very important to me.
Do you have any closing comments for The Transgender Guide community members?
I want all my “sisters” out there to be able to pass as real women in public and I am very thankful for all the encouragement I receive from my readers. I promise I will continue to improve the content of my books by coming up with even better techniques for crossdressing.
Thank you so much for taking the time to let us get to know you Jamie. I hope you won’t be a stranger. We look forward to hearing about your future projects.
Thank you too! I’ll be sure to keep in touch.
How to Get Your Copy of The World’s Best Cross Dressing Guide
Click here to order a copy of the World’s Best Cross Dressing Guide. Your privacy is assured.
Jamie Young’s Cross Dressing Guide click here to review
The World’s Best Cross Dressing Guide is a 173 page e-book created by Jamie after years of professional training and her own experiences as a crossdresser. This comprehensive guide contains a compilation of all the best feminization techniques developed by Jamie to become virtually flawless in her presentation as female in public. The guide tells you how to avoid embarrassing situations created by the common mistakes made by untrained crossdressers.
Just a few of the topics include;
Makeup for crossdressers
How to speak in a female voice
How to create cleavage
Fashion tips for public presentation
Ladylike walking and behavior
and much more in The World’s Best Cross Dressing Guide