VA Transgender Care in the U.S.

VA Transgender Care in the U.S. for trans veterans: The VA (Veterans Administration) offers benefits for transgender veterans in the United States, providing inclusive healthcare services. This includes access to hormone therapy, counseling, and assistance with legal name and gender identity changes in medical records. Specialized providers are available, and every VA facility has an LGBTQ+ Veteran Care Coordinator to support navigation through these services. For more detailed information, visit the VA’s LGBTQ+ Frequently Asked Questions page.

While the VA has made strides toward inclusive medical benefits for transgender veterans, efforts for gender affirming surgery has faced challenges. This is a story we have been monitoring since 2021.

VA Transgender Care in the U.S.

VA Transgender Care Overview

  • Enrollment and Care Access: Transgender veterans can apply for VA health care enrollment and, once enrolled, can receive counseling and evaluation for hormone therapy.
  • Specialized Providers: All VA facilities must provide care to transgender veterans or cover services in the community.
  • Legal Name and Gender Identity Changes: The VA allows transgender veterans to update their legal names and gender identities in medical records, facilitating respectful and accurate identification.
  • Inclusive Policies: The VA is committed to reducing minority stress and engaging sexual and gender minority veterans by providing health care that addresses their specific needs, including the option to record both birth sex and self-identified gender identity.
  • Veteran Care Coordinators: Every VA facility has an LGBTQ+ Veteran Care Coordinator to assist with care navigation.

VA Gender-Affirming Surgery

We previously reported in 2021 that the U.S Department of Veterans Affairs had announced they would offer gender surgery to transgender vets. The situation with the VA covering gender-affirming surgery for transgender veterans remains in flux.

  • VA offers most gender-affirming care, but not surgery: The VA currently provides hormone therapy, mental health services for gender dysphoria, and other transition-related care except gender affirming surgery
  • Move towards coverage announced, then delayed: In 2021, the VA announced plans to begin covering gender-affirming surgeries, but this was put on hold in 2024 to assess the impact of the PACT Act, a new law expanding healthcare for veterans.
  • Legal challenges: Transgender veteran organizations are suing the VA to compel them to provide surgery, arguing it’s essential healthcare

Overall, the VA is likely moving toward eventually covering surgery, but delays and legal challenges are standing in the way.

VA LGBT Care Information Sources

TGGuide Announced VA to Provide Gender-Affirming Surgery (2021)

The U.S Department of Veterans Affairs has announced they will offer gender surgery to transgender vets for the first time. The VA is beginning to process to change regulations and establish policies that will provide for the treatment and safety of trans veterans. This is a developing story that we are monitoring closely. These new policies will take time to implement. We will post updates and informational links here as they become known. We produced this video following Secretary Denis McDonough’s announcement.

VA Transgender Care Articles

Unfortunately, the VA has been slow to provide gender affirming surgery for transgender veterans as outlined on this page. See the articles below for additional background information.

For a detailed exploration of these topics and more, refer directly to the VA’s LGBTQ+ Frequently Asked Questions page. This resource provides comprehensive information on the services available to transgender veterans, emphasizing the VA’s commitment to inclusive care.

Transgender Military Service

As of January 25, 2021, openly transgender individuals are allowed to serve in the U.S. military.

This followed a period of policy changes:

  • Previously, transgender people were banned from serving.
  • In 2016, a policy allowed them to serve openly in their identified gender.
  • There was a brief period from 2019 to 2021 where transgender people could not enlist but some serving members were grandfathered in.
  • The current policy, since 2021, eliminates restrictions on transgender people serving openly.

They must meet the same standards for military service as anyone else.

TGGuide Announced Pentagon Transgender Policies (2021)

U.S. PENTAGON: NEW TRANSGENDER POLICIES: Pentagon guidelines for transgender service members.

Related: Transgender Resources at