Trans Rights Watch has created this Trans Rights Watch page monitor the increasing federal and state level attacks on the transgender community. This is directly as a result of the Trump administration’s assault on the transgender community and activities within the United States. Many of these issues have worldwide implications. We consider it important to pay attention to these legislative activities, policy changes, and other activities aimed at restricting the rights of trans people. We will monitor these attacks on the transgender community and provide actionable steps we can all take to fight for fair and reasonable trans rights.
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Recent Attacks on Trans Rights
Throughout the United States, many laws and policies have been put forward or passed that seek to take away protections and rights from transgender people. Here are some of the most significant recent attacks on trans rights at the federal and state levels:
- Healthcare Access Restrictions – Movements to prohibit or limit gender-affirming care through federal health insurance.
- The rollback of Anti-Discrimination Protections – The narrowing of protections for transgender people in the workplace, in housing, and at school.
- Targeting Trans Athletes – Federal proposals that would prohibit transgender individuals from competing in sports matching their gender identity.
- Transgender Passports – Executive order that restricts gender on a passport to the biological sex at birth, regardless of gender identity and even despite court orders for change.
- Healthcare Bans – Several states have approved or have attempted to ban gender-affirming care for trans youth and have made doctors and parents who give or support such care break the law.
- Bathroom & Public Facility Restrictions – Laws that force trans people to use restrooms based on their sex, not their gender, in public places.
- Education Censorship – Bans on teaching certain aspects of gender identity and LGBTQ+ topics in schools, so that young people cannot learn about trans people and their history.
- Legal Recognition Challenges – Attempts to make it harder for transgender people to change their gender markers on official records.
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Join the Fight for Transgender Rights
TGGuide is joining other fine organizations to fight for trans rights and we will update this page and other articles with the latest news and trans news events. We will continue to fight against discrimination of all kinds and work toward a future where everyone can live authentically with equal rights.
Actionable Steps You Can Take Now
- Bookmark this page – Visit this page periodically for the most current information on these rapidly developing issues and news.
- Share this page – We also ask you to share this page with your friends, colleagues, and others who may want to get information about trans rights and the advocacy work being done.
- Follow us on Facebook – To get the latest news and updates, follow TGGuide on Facebook and help us defend the rights of transgender people everywhere.
- Stay informed – Read the news linked on our transgender news stories page to stay informed about the rapidly developing assault on transgender rights in the U.S.